Combinatorial group
Here you can find the outputs of the project Random Discrete Structures, project number GJ20-27757Y, funded by the Czech Science foundation. For other outputs, please visit this page. In bold you find the authors that were supported by the grant.


Sandwiching biregular random graphs, T. Klimošová, C. Reiher, A. Ruciński, M. Šileikis

Deviation probabilities for arithmetic progressions and irregular discrete structures, S. Griffiths, C. Koch, M. Secco

Conference proceedings

On the Intersections of Non-homotopic Loops, Blažej V., Opler M., Šileikis M., Valtr P. (2021), In: Mudgal A., Subramanian C.R. (eds) Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics. CALDAM 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12601. Springer, Cham.


Upper tail bounds for Stars, M. Šileikis, L. Warnke, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, Volume 27, Issue 1 (2020)

A limit theorem for small cliques in inhomogeneous random graphs, J. Hladký, C. Pelekis, M. Šileikis