Running projects
Supporting transparency of the mortgage market in the Czech Republic by extension of the database for residential property value appraisal
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The general goal of the project is to support transparency of the mortgage market and reduction of potential systemic risks in the financial sector by: (1) the comparison and evaluation of the deviations between appraisal prices and market prices of flats in different segments of the housing market, and (2) the proposition of procedures and methods that allow mortgage lenders appropriately combine own appraisal prices and external transaction prices collected by the Czech Cadastre of Real Estate.This application will reduce systemic risks on housing market, increase its sustainability and reduce negative consequences of potential future market instability or general economic decline on financial sector and Czech households.
Grant project supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, no. TL03000212. The project started at 1.4.2020 and will be finished at 31.12. 2021. The head of the project is Petr Sunega.
Constructing and Performing Citizenship through Debt in the Czech Republic
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Projekt se zaměřuje na to jak veřejné a soukromé diskurzy dluhu stejně jako praktické využívání půjček ovlivňuje občanství těch, kteří jsou předlužení. K občanství přistupujeme jako k multidimenzionální, vnitřně hierarchizované legální a společenské instituci, která může být velmi nerovnoměrně přiznávána i nárokována. Skrze zkoumání reprezentace, aktérství a subjektivity lidí, kteří mají problémy se splácením půjček je naším cílem porozumět hierarchizaci, k níž ve spojitosti s dluhem dochází. Využíváme pojem "dluhové systémy" (debt circuits), abychom zdůraznili dynamickou a procesuální dimenzi dluhu, zahrnující nejen toky peněz, ale i významů a emocí, které proudí v sítích, které vznikají mezi dlužníky, věřiteli, veřejnými institucemi, technologiemi a objekty. V projektu budeme analyzovat (1) vývoj legislativního rámce a veřejné a policy diskurzy (2) lokální dluhové systémy a způsoby, jak se promítají do občanství skrze případové studie ve třech obcích (3) osobní narativy dlužníků a způsoby jak ve vztahu k dluhům utvářena jejich reprezentace, aktérství a subjektivita.
Grantový projekt je podpořen Grantovou agenturou ČR pod číslem 20-04863S. Jedná o standardní grantový projekt s datem zahájení řešení 1.1.2020 a datem ukončení řešení 31.12.2022. Hlavním řešitelem je Mgr. Tomáš Hoření Samec, Ph.D. a spoluřešitelé/spoluřešitelky jsou Mgr. Anja Decker, Mgr. Lucie Trlifajová, Ing. Mgr. Martin Lux Ph.D. a Ing. Petr Sunega.
Read more: Constructing and Performing Citizenship through Debt in the Czech Republic
Housing Paths of Millennials: Increasing Tension between Homeownership Normalization and Urban Affordability Crisis in the Czech Republic
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The project focuses on research on the recent housing paths of young people (born between 1985 and 2000) who are facing a boom in housing prices and decreasing housing affordability. The goal is to survey the main strategies that young people use to overcome the problem of decreasing housing affordability. These private strategies, but also hypothetical state policy reactions, have a wider impact on the housing system and inequality, which this project intends to examine. For this purpose, the research team will employ both quantitative and qualitative research methods that include new attitude survey and original microsimulation modelling. The project will be conducted in four selected urban centres.The project aims to add to existing youth, housing affordability and generational inequality studies but especially to the literature on trends in post-socialist housing systems, intergenerational housing wealth transfers, and housing inequality.
Grant project supported by the Czech Science Agency. The project started in 2019 and will be finished in 2021. The head of the project is Martin Lux, Ph.D.
Do-It-Yourself culture and its importance for Czech national and cultural identity: Current situtation in social, cultural, historical and political perspective, typology and potential for regional development
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Grant project supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic. The project started in 2018 and will be finished in 2020. The head of the project is Petr Gibas, MSc.
At present, Do-It-Yourself culture (DIY) is generally understood as part of the Czech national identity and a Czech national feature, which reflects the nation´s specific historical experience and national memory. Although DIY as a Czech national feature refers to the everyday experience under state socialism and particularly normalisation (1970s and 1980s) its roots are deeper. The goal of this project is to render and map the present forms of DIY and its history locating DIY in its broad social, cultural, historical and political context. The outcomes will subsequently be presented to the general public. At the same time, the project aims at assessing the DIY potential for developing local communities, raising their historical and local consciousness, and developing tourism.