Events of Institute of Philosophy AS CR
Monika Woźniak: Dialectical logic, logical dialectics? On the Principle of Non-Contradiction in Poland in Light of Soviet Debates on Dialectical and Formal Logic
Department for the Study of Modern Czech Philosophy and Contradictions: A Journal for Critical Thought present
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge 5
Live stream of online seminar series organized by the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, IoP CAS
Aby Warburg’s cultural anthropology: method and perspectives
Co-organized by the Department of Czech Modern Philosophy of the Philosophical Institute of the Czech Academy of science
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge 6
Live stream of online seminar series organized by the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, IoP CAS
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge 4
Live stream of online seminar series organized by the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, IoP CAS
Změna programu! Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge 3
Live stream of online seminar series organized by the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, IoP CAS
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge 2
Live stream of online seminar series organized by the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, IoP CAS
Funded and Unfunded Science: Academic Inequalities and Epistemic Gaps
Organized by the Centre for Science, Technology and Society Studies, Czech Academy of Sciences
Early Modern Metaphors of Knowledge
Live stream of the first of online seminar series organized by the Department of Comenius Studies and Early Modern Intellectual History, FLU CAS.