Digital Library of Czech Academy of Sciences


The Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences – special version with FULL ACCESS for researchers, pedagogical staff and students

Access to the Digital Library of the CAS –

This special version of the Digital Library of the CAS contains selected periodicals and monographs from the collection of the Library of the CAS in electronic form. It also contains books and magazines produced by departments of the Czech Academy of Sciences and current editions of selected academic periodicals.

The library of the Czech Academy of Sciences as well as the National Library of the Czech Republic and the Moravian Library have made their digitized collections temporarily available to the public for the time of ongoing lockdown. Thus you can now access all our documents, including those subject to copyright law which are normally available only from computers in the libraries’ buildings. The service is provided on the basis of a license agreement between the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the National Library of the Czech Republic, the collective administrators of Dilia, z. s., Organisation for the protection of authors and and the Association of Czech Booksellers and Publishers.

Access to full texts of documents

Registered users are given remote access to all digitized monographs, of which there are currently almost 6 000, as well as to all about 200 magazines.

The documents are made available in accordance with the possibilities provided by legislation or agreements with individual rights holders. Titles for which the publisher or other copyright holder has asked us not to make them available are not available in the Digital Library of the CAS even after logging in. Monographs published abroad are also not published. Digitizes cannot be downloaded or printed.

In case you have any further questions or suggestions please contact us via email: dlib at


Digital Library of Czech Academy of Sciences – no login required, but with limited content

Access to the Digital Library of the CAS –

The Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences primarily contains digitalised periodicals and monographs produced by the Czech Academy of Sciences and its precursors. The majority of these documents were published in the 20th century, though some date back as far as the 18th century. These documents are largely the result of digitalisation performed at the Digitalisation Centre of the Library of the CAS. The Digital Library of the CAS also contains documents created directly in digital form (they are accessible on the digital library interface in PDF format). These are more recent articles from specialist periodicals published largely by units of the CAS that come directly from the editorial boards of individual journals.

Access to full texts of documents

Access to documents in the Digital Library of the CAS is subject to the Copyright Act (120/2000 Sb. in its wording effective from 1. 1. 2017). For this reason, the free accessibility of documents is conditional to a period of 70 years having passed since the death of their author (from any location). An exception to this is comprised of documents on which a contract with their publisher (or other holder of rights to a given document) enables access before the expiry of the given period.

All full texts of documents are available on computers in the LCAS study.

A new interface of the Kramerius system is currently used for accessing documents ( An older interface may also be used.

A guide to the use of the Digital Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences is available for both types of interface:

If you have any questions you can contact the Department for the Digital Library, e-mail: dlib[at], tel: 221 403 253.


The inclusion of journals in the Digital Library of the CAS

Journals issued by departments of the Czech Academy of Sciences and affiliated academic societies and journals that send data to the CEJSH database through the Library of the Czech Academy of Sciences are, first and foremost, included in the Digital Library. The Digital Library can also be used as an archive of older editions of journals. We offer the editorial boards of academic journals the opportunity of free digitalisation of older editions of their journals.

If you are interested in adding your journal to the Digital Library, please contact Mgr. Jana Křížová, e-mail: dlib[at], tel: 221 403 253.


The Web Archive of the Czech Academy of Sciences

The digital archive of Internet pages of units of the CAS assembled for the purpose of accessibility and long-term storage.

The aim is to archive and make accessible to the public everything that has been published on the webpages of individual units.

If you are interested in adding the Internet pages of your unit to the Web Archive, please contact Petra Kotýnka, e-mail:, tel: 221 403 468.


Czech Digital Library

The Czech Digital Library can be used to look up content included in most digital libraries in the Czech Republic.