Mgr. Tomáš Samec, Ph.D.
Institute of Sociology, the Czech Academy of Sciences
Jilská 1
110 00 Praha 1
Telefon: +420 210 310 214
Research topics
- discourse analysis in the housing context and qualitative research methods;
- housing financialisation;
- new forms of housing provision: new co-operative housing and new municipal housing.
- 2018 - Ph.D., doctoral program in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.
- 2017 - research fellowship, University of Vienna, supported by Aktion (Austrian OeAD-GmbH/ICM)
- 2014 - Mgr., Master program in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.
- 2011 - Bc., Bachelor program in Sociology and Social Policy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.
- 2nd runner-up in Bengt Turner Award competition for the best conference papers at European Network for Housing Research 2016 Conference in Belfast, submitted paper: Performance of Social Inequalities in the Housing Market: Meanings of Mortgages and Intergenerational Financial Transfers.
- Josef Hlávka Award for the best students and graduates from Universities in Prague, Brno and for the young scholars in Czech Academy of Sciences in 2015.
- Edvard Beneš Award of the 3th degree in the field of sociology in 2014. Awarded master’s thesis: Crisis and the construction of home: Narrative accounts of the Financial crisis on the Czech housing market.
- Hájek, M., P. Kaderka, J. Nekvapil, T. Samec 2019. Kdo šetří, má za tři? Diskurz šetrnosti v proměnách české společnosti. Praha: SLON. 312 p. ISBN: 978-80-7419-260-9.
Book chapters
- Samec T., M. Lux, P. Sunega, L. Kážmér, I. Boumová 2015. „Kdo rozhoduje na trhu bydlení? Vliv sociálních vazeb na reprodukci preference vlastnického bydlení.“ Pp. 44-60 in Lux M. (ed.) 2015. Standardy bydlení 2014/2015: Sociální normy a rozhodování na trhu bydlení. Praha: Sociologický Ústav AV ČR.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Samec, T. 2019. Normalization of Mortgages in Media Discourse through Affects and Instructions. Housing, Theory and Society. Online first publication.
- Samec, T. 2018. Performing Housing Debt Attachments: Forming Semi-Financialized Subjects. Journal of Cultural Economy 11 (6): 549-564.
- Samec, T., P. Gibas 2018. Urban Political Ecology of Worth and Value: Enacting Allotments in Media Discourse. Space and Culture. Online first publication.
- Lux, M., T. Samec, V. Bartos, P. Sunega, J. Palguta, I. Boumová, L. Kážmér 2018. Who actually decides? Parental influence on the housing tenure choice of their children. Urban Studies 55 (2): 406-426.
- Samec, T. 2018. Introduction to the Special Issue: Housing Financialisation and Families (editorial). Critical Housing Analysis 5 (2): 1-3.
- Hájek, M., T. Samec 2017. Discourses of thrift and saving in a state-socialist society and their legacy for responsible present-day consumption. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 53(6): 805 - 831.
- Hájek, Martin, Dlouhá, Marie, Samec, Tomáš. 2014. ‘Watch out for politics’: exit, voice and other strategies of discontent in late Czech socialism. Journal of Political Power 7 (3): 393-411.
Project leader
- 2020 - 2022. Constructing and Performing Citizenship through Debt in the Czech Republic. Czech Science Foundation, reg. number 20-04863S.
Project participant
- 2019 - till now. Housing Paths of Millennials: Increasing Tension between Homeownership Normalization and Urban Affordability Crisis in the Czech Republic. Czech Science Foundation, reg. number 19-07402S.
- 2018 - till now. Do-It-Yourself culture and its importance for Czech national and cultural identity: Current situtation in social, cultural, historical and political perspective, typology and potential for regional development. NAKI II (reg. number DG18P02OVV022).
- 2015 - 2018. Between home and nature: urban political ecology of allotment gardening in post-socialist city and its urban impacts. Czech Science Foundation (GA ČR) 16-06077S.
- 2016 - 2018. Housing Based Welfare: Risks and Implications of Release of Housing Wealth to Support Retirement Income. Czech Science Foundation, reg. number 16-06335S.
- 2012 – 2015. Využití sociologických metod pro analýzu nerovnováhy na trhu bydlení. Kritická a kontextuální metodologie ve výzkumu bydlení. [The Application of Sociological Methods to Detect Housing Market Disequilibrium. Critical & Context-Sensitive Housing Research Methodology] Czech Science Foundation, reg. number P404/12/1446.
Membership in societies and boards
- 2019 - till now. Member of the comimttee. Fund for affordable housing of the capital Prague.
- 2016 - till now. Coordinator of the working group Housing and Family Dynamics of the European Network for Housing Research.
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