Scriptores regni Bohemiae / Spisovatelé Království českého I, A–B
Several decades of efforts by a number of scholars of the second half of the 18th century to capture the history of education of the Czech state in accordance with the concept of historia litteraria resulted in a dictionary of the writers of the Kingdom of Bohemia Scriptores Regni Bohemiae, written by the Moravian provincial official, historian, and collector Johann Peter Cerroni (1753-1826). Cerroni included all of the well-known scholars of the Czech Kingdom into his dictionary, which consists of a total of 24 alphabetically ordered volumes. Because he hoped that the work would be accepted beyond merely the Czech or German linguistic areas, he chose Latin as the language of his work. Even though Cerroni was respected in the world of scholars during his lifetime and encouraged by his colleagues to publish the results of his historical work, they ultimately remained unpublished. Latinists, Germanists, Bohemists, and Hebraists took part in the entry processing; they provide the edition with a textual-critical apparatus and explanatory notes, and have translated the Latin biographies of the scholars into Czech.
The publication is in Czech and Latin.

translation: Martin Svatoš a kol.
498 pages, paperback
ISBN 978-80-7007-448-0