PhDr. Jiří Beneš,
+420 234 612 316
Department of Biblical Studies
Research focus
Comenius studies. Besides textological and interpretation problems connected with the critical edition "J. A. Comenii Opera omnia", he focuses on Comenius' conception of language both on the didactic, theoretical and philosopical levels. He also dealt with problems of the Humanist and Reformation educational system. Currently, he is intensively occupied with Comenius' approach to the Bible and with his processing of biblical texts for educational purposes.
Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University, Prague
PhDr. (Charles University), 1975 Classical Philology
Thesis: "Chronicon Aulae Regiae as Witness of Mediaeval Social Concept"
Employment history
2016 scholar, Department of Biblical studies
2009-2013 Head Office of "The Czech Academy of Sciences" (member of the Academy Council)
2004-2016 head of the Centre for Classical Studies / deputy director of the Institute of Philosophy
2001-2003 director of the Institute for Classical Studies, CAS
1973-2000 researcher in the Institute of Pedagogics, since 1990 in the Institute of Philosophy, CAS, member of the editorial team for publishing the critical edition "J. A. Comenii Opera omnia".
2012-2018 co-investigator in the Czech Science Foundation Centre of excellence "History and interpretation of the Bible", P401/12/G168, Charles University, Prague
2004-2006 "Antecedentes Hispanos del Método de la Janua Linguarum de Comenio" (co-investigator in the international research project granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology)
1995-1997 investigator in the Czech Science Foundation research project „Soupis korespondence J.A. Komenského a její význam pro dějiny kultury a vědy v 17.století”.
Fellowships and research stays
1987 – guest lecturer at the University Bern
1995 Freie Universität Berlin and Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel – 2 months study stay connected with the edition of "Theophilus" by J. V. Andreae
1996 – study stay in the United Kingdom focused on investigation of the Hartlib archives (Sheffield) and on the correspondence of Comenius preserved in the British Library (London) and University Library, Cambridge.
Since 1998 cooperation with the „Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft” in the project of 12 volumes edition of Comenius' selected writings in German (based on the treaty between CAS ant the DCG).
Conference papers and lectures abroad
September 2019 – lecture "Über die wahre Veredelung des Menschen (international workshop "Comenius, Klafki und wir: Auf der Suche nach Bildung für das Anthropozän, organized by the University of Augsburg)
February 2019 – lecture "J. A. Comenius: Seine Reformpläne und das Rosenkreuzertum" (international workshop "Johann Valentin Andreae und die Rosenkreuzer" organized by the Freie Universität Berlin)
September 2017 – lecture "Die Bedeutung des Manuálník" für das Leben der Brüdergemeine" (international workshop "Kunst und Kultur" organized by the Alanus Hochschule, Alfter bei Bonn)
2006 – Francophonie: fait linguistique - défi culturel et politique? (international seminar "Les cultures francophones et la Nouvelle Europe" organized by the Romanian Academy in Sinaia)
2004 – „J. A. Comenius – Vordenker eines kreativen Friedens“ (kolokvium na univerzitě v Bamberku)
2000 – seminar on the philosophy of education of J. A. Comenius at the University of Riga
1995 – conference paper in the colloquium „Comenius und der Friede” in Salzgitter-Steterburg
1996 – basic seminar on J. A. Comenius at the University of Sheffield
Conference papers and lectures in the Czech Republic
Regular active participation in the Comeniological conferences, seminars and colloquia in Czechia and abroad
occasional lecturer in the Summer School of Classical Studies organized by the CCS
March 2018 – lecture "Comeniological Studies by Jan Šabršula" held in the Prague Linguistic Cercle2005 "Aspiraciones políticas y pacíficas de Vives y de Comenio" (workshop "Španělští předchůdci metody Komenského Januy linguarum" Praha)
2004 – paper on the conference „Proč Komenský dnes?“ organized by the University Pardubice
March 2000 – key lecture in the seminar „Jan Amos Komenský a postavení učitele ve společnosti” organized by the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic
2000 – key lecture on the discussion forum to the actual political, philosophical and religious problems, organized by the „Comenius Club Sachsen”, Dresden
October 1998 – paper at the colloquium on E. Chalupný, Tábor
1995 – paper in the Czech-British seminar „Intellectual Communication in the 17th Century” organized as a part of grant project „Soupis korespondence J.A. Komenského a její význam pro dějiny kultury a vědy v 17.století” in Prague
Chairman of the UNIE COMENIUS - association and member of the Council of Scientific Societies affiliated to the CAS, the aim of which is to foster knowledge and interpretation of Comenius' legacy.
June 2019 – lecture „J. A. Comenius and J. V. Andreae“ in the programme part of the exhibition „The Rosicrucian Manifestos, Europe and Czech Lands in the 17th Century“ in the Gallery "Science and Arts" of the Czech Academy of Sciences
July 2019 – public lecture „Sermon on Peace by Johannes Hus, which could not be pronounced at the Council of Konstanz“ at the Hus Monument in Tábor
July 2019 – lecture „Comenius’ Weg des Friedens“ for the Pastor Convention of the Württemberg Church held in Prague at the Protestant Theological Faculty of Charles University
October 2019 – hosted lecture „The Idea of Peace in the Bohemian Reformation“ held in the Historical Club of Pelhřimov.
Editorial positions
member of the editorial board of the review Theologická revue
member of the editorial board of the international review Acta Comeniana
member of the editorial board of the international review Studia Comeniana et historica
Membership in universities’ subject area boards
member of the subject area board "Philosophy", Faculty of Philosophy, University Pardubice
Memberships in academic associations and other academic bodies
delegate of the CAS to the Union Académique Internationale (Brussels)
delegate of the Institute of Philosophy of the CAS to the Internationale Thesaurus-Kommission (Munich)
member of the Association of the Czech Classical Philologists
member of the Research Board of the Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University Prague
chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of State and Law of the CAS
member of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Slavonic Studies of the CAS
member of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS
member of the Supervisory Board of the Institute of the Czech Language of the CAS
chairman of the Unie Comenius
member of board of the Deutsche Comenius-Gesellschaft
Honors and awards
2019 J. A. Comenius Honorary Medal awarded by the Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles University Prague
1991 Prize of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences for the results in the comeniological research (collective award)
Current projects
Critical edition of Comenius' "Janua sive Introductorium in Biblia sacra" for the series "J. A. Comenii Opera omnia"