
In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.

  1. J. Šesták, K. Závěta, V. Roskovec, F. Zounová
    Journal of the American Ceramic Society 55 (1972) 537-537.
  2. J. Kaczér, I. Tomáš
    physica status solidi (a) 10 (1972) 619-629.
  3. L. Murtinová, Z. Frait
    Physics Letters A 40 (1972) 29-30.
  4. Z. Frait, R. Gemperle
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 22 (1972) 1259-1268.
  5. Z. Frait, D. Fraitová
    Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 22 (1972) 890-895.
  6. A note on triplet-triplet fission of singlet excitons in molecular crystals
    Czech. J. Phys. 22 (1972) 566