In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Computer Physics Communications 47 (1987) 349-350.
- Diagrammatic expansion and metastability in the random-field Ising modelJournal of Statistical Physics 47 (1987) 931-938.
- On the mean-field spin-glass instability at finite fieldsJ. Phys. A-Math. Gen. 20 (1987) L1017
- The localization length and the density of states in correlated random systemsJ. Non-Cryst. Solids 97-98 (1987) 241
- Alloy analogy for the multiband Hubbard Hamiltonianphys. status solidi b 144 (1987) 701
- Tight-binding muffin-tin orbital method for random substitutional transition metal alloysČs. čas. fyz. 1987 (1987) 71
- Electronic properties of fcc and bcc based random AgCd alloysJ . Phys. F. 17 (1987) L283
- Canonical description of electron states in random alloysPhys. Rev. B 35 (1987) 2487
- Mn 3d states in photoelectron spectra from Cd Mn Tephys. status solidi b 140 (1987) 135
- A tight-binding study of the electronic structure of MnTeJ. Phys. C 20 (1987) 59
- LCAO approach to the coherent potential approximation: electronic structure of substitutionally disordered CuNi alloysJ. Phys. F 17 (1987) 351
- Physical Review Letters 59 (1987) 1973-1975.
- physica status solidi (a) 101 (1987) 239-245.
- physica status solidi (a) 103 (1987) 219-230.
- physica status solidi (a) 99 (1987) K57-K59.
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 37 (1987) 1348-1359.
- Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 20 (1987) 1088-1090.
- physica status solidi (a) 100 (1987) 289-299.
- Comparative studies of LUNA 16, 20 and 24 regoliths by means of magnetic resonance and Mossbauer spectroscopyNASA Planet.Sci.Conf., Houston 1987. In: Lunar and Planetary Science XVII, NASA, Houston 1987, p. 142-143.
- Influence ofhydrostatic pressure on O2(1$Delta$g) yield in a bubbler-type chemicalgeneratorJ. Appl. Phys. 62 (1987) 2208
- physica status solidi (b) 143 (1987) 248-253.
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 37 (1987) 42-46.
- physica status solidi (a) 103 (1987) K119-K123.
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 37 (1987) 660-664.
- REDUCE - systém pro symbolické manipulace.Čs. čas. fyz. A37 (1987) 90
- A New Morse-Oscilator Based Hamiltonian for H3+: Explicit Expression for Some Vibrational Matrix Elements.J. Mol. Spectrosc. 124 (1987) 430
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 37 (1987) 911-918.
- Atomic and electronic structure of a-SiH based on the large-scale modelsJ. Non-Crystalline Solids 90 (1987) 103
- Atomic and electronic structure of amorphous carbon based on the large-scale CRN modelJ. Non-Crystalline Solids 97-98 (1987) 199
- Supertwistors and SuperfieldsCzech. J. Phys. 37 (1987) 338
- Optical response of electrons in disordered systemsPhys. Scr. T19 (1987) 558
- Self-consistent discrete equations for nonlinear defects in Peierls systems with broken electron-hole symmetryphys. status solidi b 143 (1987) 185
- On Soliton Polaron tates in PolyyneČs. čas. fyz. 1987 (1987) 14
- Self-consistent treatment of coulomb correlations in transition metalsČs. čas. fyz. 1987 (1987) 17
- FE-57 NMR AND EXCHANGE INTEGRALS IN AL-SUBSTITUTED HEMATITEHyperfine Interact. 35 (1987) 947 - 950