In the list of publications, you will find the complete output of our researchers since 1961.
- Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 221 (2006) 281-287.
- European Journal of Mineralogy 18 (2006) 197-205.
- Acta Crystallographica Section C 62 (2006) i49-i52.
- Physical Review B 73 (2006) 174110/1-174110/12.
- Europhysics Letters 74 (2006) 1074-1080.
- Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 1965-1976.
- Acta Crystallographica Section B 62 (2006) 556-566.
- Acta Crystallographica Section E 62 (2006) o3217-3219.
- Journal of Crystal Growth 287 (2006) 262-266.
- Acta Crystallographica Section B 62 (2006) 1043-1050.
- Ferroelectrics 337 (2006) 179-188.
- Physical Review B 73 (2006) 174108/1-174108/5.
- Ferroelectrics 339 (2006) 137-146.
- Ferroelectrics 334 (2006) 113-123.
- Integrated Ferroelectrics 81 (2006) 227-237.
- Connection between spectral features of B K edge XANES of minerals and the local structurePhysics and Chemistry of Glasses 47 (2006) 412-418.
- Energetics of charge order transition in Bi1-xSrxMnO3Journal of Solid State Chemistry 179 (2006) 3798-3804.
- Physical Review B 74 (2006) 134414(1)-134414(8).
- Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 306 (2006) 241-247.
- Thermoelectric properties of the Pr0.8Na0.2MnO3 manganite at ultrahigh pressures of up to 20 GPaPhysics of the Solid State 48 (2006) 1741-1745.
- Physical Review B 73 (2006) 214443(1)-214443(6).
- Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 18 (2006) 3285-3297.
- Lanthanum manganese perovskite nanoparticles as possible in vivo mediators for magnetic hyperthermiaJournal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 302 (2006) 315-320.
- Physical Review B 73 (2006) 94426(1)-94426(5).
- Physical Review B 74 (2006) 134427(1)-134427(8).
- Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 172513(1)-172513(3).
- Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 13903(1)-13903(9).
- Journal of Applied Physics 99 (2006) 43909(1)-43909(7).
- Physical Review B 74 (2006) 195110(1)-195110(12).
- Physical Review B 74 (2006) 155108(1)-155108(10).
- Nature 441 (2006) 486-488.
- Superconductivity and lattice instability in compressed lithium from fermi surface hot spotsPhysical Review Letters 96 (2006) 47004(1)-47004(4).
- Chemistry of Materials 18 (2006) 3225-3236.
- Applied Surface Science 253 (2006) 85-89.
- Elongation of InAs/GaAs quantum dots from magnetophotoluminescence measurementsApplied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 153108-1-153108-3.
- 1.3$\mu$m emission from InAs/GaAs quantum dotsphysica status solidi (c) 3 (2006) 3811-3814.
- physica status solidi (c) 3 (2006) 155-158.
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 Suppl.E (2006) E83-E91.
- Thermal diffusivity estimation of the olive oil during its high-pressure treatmentJournal of Food Engeneering 74 (2006) 286-291.
- Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 56 Suppl.E (2006) E101-E108.
- Performance study of radiation detectors based on semi-insulating GaAs with P+ homo- and heterojunction blocking electrodeNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 563 (2006) 159-162.
- Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 38 (2006) 312-322.
- Semiconductor Science and Technology 21 (2006) 180-183.
- Photoluminescence and magnetophotoluminescence of circular and elliptical InAs/GaAs quantum dotsMaterials Science and Engineering: C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems 26 (2006) 983-986.
- Reviews of Modern Physics 78 (2006) 809-864.
- Radiation damage study of GaAs detectors irradiated by fast neutronsNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 563 (2006) 66-69.
- Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 092107-1-092107-3.
- Neutron difraction study of layered perovskite La0.6Sr1.4CoO4Acta Physica Slovaca 56 (2006) 181-184.
- Magnetic study of pseudo-ternary compound (Y0.6Th0.4)Co4B under pressureHigh Pressure Research 26 (2006) 489-493.
- Magnetocaloric properties of Nd5Si1.45Ge2.55 compound under high hydrostatic pressureHigh Pressure Research 26 (2006) 495-498.