The Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies is part of a consortium that submitted a successful proposal to the ‘Enabling Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change’ (SOLSTICE) call launched by JPI Climate international programming initiative, a platform supporting societal research of climate change. The Czech Republic has become one of ten European countries involved in its overarching joint initiative called ‘Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe’.
The three-year project (12/2020 – 11/2023) called ‘Socially Just and Politically Robust Decarbonisation: A Knowledge Base and Toolkit for Policymakers’ (JUSTDECARB) will be led by CICERO-Center for International Climate Research (Oslo). Other members of the consortium include Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment at LSE (London) and Institute of Public Law and Political Science and Field of Excellence ‘Climate Change Graz’ at University of Graz. The interdisciplinary team will bring together economists, political scientists, philosophers and law researchers. The major project theme will be to study the processes, policies and measures relating to the request for decarbonisation, with a particular focus on justice of such processes. The objective is to develop a ‘toolkit’ for policymakers to steer transition processes in a way that will help the scheduled policies and measures be perceived as socially just and become supported by key stakeholders, an aspect crucial for maximum policy impact. The legal part of the project (developed by our Centre) will pursue the question of using human rights and legal principles as criteria for assessment of climate policies and measures.
JUSTDECARB Launch Workshop
20 March 2021
Let us invite you to a launch workshop of the JUSTDECARB Project. Our objective is to present the project findings and outputs not only to our academic peers but also to other experts and stakeholders.The workshop will take place on 13 April 14:00 -17:00 (CEST) on Zoom. Participants are invited to join the entire workshop or only the sessions that are of most interest to them. The sessions will present the political, legal, philosophical and economic topics of a just transition that the project will address. The event is free; the registration is required through the link included in the Workshop Invitation.
Conference on Climate Change and Human Rights: Save the date
20 February 2021
Mark your calendars for our conference on Climate Change and Human Rights! It will be held on 19 November 2021. The conference will take place at the Academy of Sciences, Prague, and online via Zoom. More details will be available in May 2021.