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Your guide to science for policy at vEGU21!

  • EGU news
  • 8 April 2021

The General Assembly 2021 will offer more policy-related sessions than any previous EGU meeting. We hope you’ll join some to learn more about science for policy and how you can effectively engage in Europe’s policymaking processes.

Highlight articles

The Cryosphere

Observed snow depth trends in the European Alps: 1971 to 2019

Here, we present an Alpine-wide analysis of snow depth from six Alpine countries – Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, and Switzerland – including altogether more than 2000 stations of which more than 800 were used for the trend assessment. Linear trends of monthly mean snow depth between1971 and 2019 showed decreases in snow depth for most stations from November to May.

Earth Surface Dynamics

The enigma of relict large sorted stone stripes in the tropical Ethiopian Highlands

Large forms of sorted patterned ground belong to the most prominent geomorphic features of periglacial and permafrost environments of the mid-latitudes and polar regions, but they were hitherto unknown in the tropics. Here, we report on relict large sorted stone stripes (up to 1000 m long, 15 m wide, and 2 m deep) on the ca. 4000 m high central Sanetti Plateau of the tropical Bale Mountains in the southern Ethiopian Highlands.


geoChronR – an R package to model, analyze, and visualize age-uncertain data

Chronological uncertainty is a hallmark of the paleoenvironmental sciences and geosciences. While many tools have been made available to researchers to quantify age uncertainties suitable for various settings and assumptions, disparate tools and output formats often discourage integrative approaches. Here, we describe geoChronR, an open-source R package to facilitate these tasks.

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How to vEGU – Networking (part 2): the pop-up networking scheduler!

How to vEGU – Networking (part 2): the pop-up networking scheduler!

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How to vEGU: Top 10 tips for promoting good online engagement for conveners

How to vEGU: Top 10 tips for promoting good online engagement for conveners

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