News & Events

New Publication: Who is your major?

IDEA think-tank presents a new study analyzing the characteristic of political representatives in Czech towns and cities, focusing predominantly on political representation in small municipalities.

Read more: New Publication: Who is your major?


IDEA FOR THE 2017 ELECTIONS: Teachers´ salaries

The first publication of the project IDEA FOR THE 2017 ELECTIONS analyzing political manifestos concerns the topic of salary level of Czech teachers. The author of "Teachers salaries in Czech election manifestos: an overview and breakdown" is Daniel Munich.

Read more: IDEA FOR THE 2017 ELECTIONS: Teachers´ salaries


IDEA FOR 2017 ELECTIONS: A Special Project

On the eve of parliamentary elections in the Czech Republic, the IDEA think-tank and Hospodářské noviny daily prepared IDEA FOR THE 2017 ELECTIONS, a special project the purpose of which is to present to the electorate several selected socio-economic themes in a comprehensible manner and to formulate key questions for public discussion.

Read more: IDEA FOR 2017 ELECTIONS: A Special Project


The New Economics of Higher Education

We would like to invite you to a public lecture by Professor Jo Ritzen (Maastricht University) which takes place at CERGE-EI, Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1 on May 19th at 10 AM.

Professor Jo Ritzen is a former minister of education during the 1990s who contributed to fundamental reforms of the Dutch higher education system and research.

Read more: The New Economics of Higher Education


World economy: Traversing uncertainty

March 30, 2017 Columbia University (by Jan Svejnar)  For the last five years the global economy has grown at a disappointingly slow rate of about 3 percent. Every year the rate of growth fell below expectations and this gradually resulted in lower future output expectations and reduction in spending and potential GDP growth.

Read more: World economy: Traversing uncertainty