Alumni Award for the Best CERGE-EI Student Paper Now Open for Submissions
18 February, 2015
Win a trip to London! First Alumni Award for Best Paper Now Open for Submissions from current CERGE-EI Students!
It is my pleasure to announce the first Alumni Award for Best Student Paper. The winner will get a fully paid trip to our second London Alumni Meeting which is being held on 16 March and for which we have teamed up with the Legatum Institute and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. There will be a Panel Discussion “The Shadow Economy – Impact on Innovation, East and West” and it will be a great opportunity to meet CERGE-EI alumni and many other interesting guests.
For this first year, the topic for the Award is a broad one: Finance, reflecting our meeting in a major financial center. To enter, please submit a pdf of your paper to, stating your full name, year of study and nationality (due to possible visa issues) in the body of the email.
The best paper will be chosen by the committee formed of alumni. Every student must compete with his or her own paper. If your paper is co-authored by more than one current student, please ask your co-author(s) to send written consent. Papers in all stages of progress are welcome. We will take into consideration the year of study to encourage junior colleagues to participate.
Important dates: Please submit your paper by 21 February, 12:00. We will announce the winner by 24 February.
Looking forward for your submissions and meeting the winner in London!
Jan Novotny
Alumni representative at CERGE-EI Foundation