Published books
Members of the Centre of Global Studies have recently published books and journal thematic issues in various publishing houses. This list includes the titles in the Czech and English languages, except for titles published in the “Philosophy and Social Science” mentioned below.
"Philosophy and Social Science" Series
The “Filosofie a sociální vědy” ("Philosophy and Social Science") series is a part of Filosofia publishing house. It focuses on transdisciplinary research on boundaries of social, political and moral philosophy, on the one hand, and sociology, political science and other social sciences, on the other hand. It develops critically oriented social and political theory through analyses of important and contemporary topics. It is chaired by Marek Hrubec in cooperation with Oleg Suša and Martin Brabec.
New Publications
Report on basic income in the world. TV Nova, March 30, 2021
Oliver Decker, Christoph Türcke (eds.): Autoritářství, Filosofia 2020
Sandel, Michael: Jak trhy vytlačují morálku, Filosofia, 2020
Marek Hrubec, Martin Brabec. Interviews on basic income. Video. TV Nova, September 2020
Vlastimil Hála, Rudolf Kolářský. Filosofie a ohrožená Země. Filosofia, 2020
Marek Hrubec a kol. Tematické číslo "Pandemie v makroregionech světa". Philosophica critica č. 1, roč. 6, 2020.
Ťiang Čching. Konfuciánský ústavní systém. Filosofia, 2020
Miroslav Pauza. Idea strukturální demokracie. Filosofia, 2019
Thomas Allmer. Kritická teorie a sociální média. Filosofia, 2019