HR Excellence in Research Award - HRS4R


Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences (FZU) has been a holder of the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award since April 26, 2019. The HR Excellence in Research Award is a means of public acknowledgment for research institutions which have demonstrated significant progress in the principles set in the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.


Human Resources Strategy for Researcher (HRS4R) originated on the initiative of the European Commission to support institutions in the implementation of the European Charter and Code to their policies. The Charter and Code specify the roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers and their employers. The central objective is to create an attractive, open and sustainable labour market for researchers that ensures equal rights and obligations for researchers wherever they work in the European Union.

At FZU, the HRS4R implementation process was launched by the director’s official endorsement of the 40 principles of the Charter and Code on November 9th, 2017. FZU has been working towards implementing the HRS4R process since then as a part of the project “HR AWARD FZU – Improving quality of the strategic management in the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences“. FZU received the HR Excellence in Research Award in 2019.

Since the beginning of the whole process up to now, FZU has made significant progress in setting out principles for good working conditions for researchers and improving its working and research environment. The principles are documented in the FZU Action Plan, which was updated for the interim assessment at the beginning of 2021. FZU conducted its two-year internal evaluation of progress in achieving the actions and outcomes set out in the implementation of the first Action Plan for its interim assessment application in 2021. The self-assessment report included a review of the Action Plan 2019-2020, a new Action Plan 2021-2023 and other supporting documents.


FZU HR Excellence in Research Documentation

Action plan 2021-2023

Action plan 2019-2020 REVISION 

Action plan 2019-2020

HRS4R process at FZU - Activity Report 2018-2020

HR Strategy


Other related FZU documents

Employee Recruitment and Selection Strategy

OTM-R approach

Code of Ethics




For download