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Beginning in 2019, the peer-reviewed quarterly Hudební věda has been published as part of the Institute of Art History, CAS. Following the tradition of the journals Musikologie and Hudební věda, the journal has been one of the essential musicology platforms since its founding in 1964.
Published by the Institute of Art History, Czech Academy of Sciences
Oddělení muzikologie ÚDU AV ČR, v. v. i.
Puškinovo nám. 9, 160 00 Praha 6
Tel: 220 303 931; 220 303 930
E-mail: hudebni.veda@udu.cas.cz
Hudební věda is indexed in the following databases:
Web of Science (ISI Web of Knowledge)
Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)
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