PHysics, Applied Research for Novel TECHnologies


Institute of Physics of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v. v. i. (further referred as IOP) has created a system of technology transfer management including IP protection. This project builds on the currently implemented project no. TG02010056, the System of Effective Application of IOP Outcomes in the Application Sphere (implemented 2015 – 2019). The project enables to consolidate the verification model of proof-of-concept activities at IOP and included it among the IOP standard tools for dissemination of knowledge and technologies. The main objective of this project is to increase the efficiency of the proof-of-concept verification system and commercialization, especially in the following two aspects: i) motivation of researchers to technology transfer activities; and ii) sustainable system of financing technology transfer activities in connection with a decrease of available public funding. These two areas are considered to be the key elements to system's efficiency and sustainability. This will significantly support applied research at IOP in Prague (workplaces Na Slovance and Cukrovarnická) and Dolní Břežany (workplaces ELI Beamlines and Hilase). Within the framework of this project, another objective is to verify and map the application potential and the practical applicability of technologies for innovated IOP outputs (technologies, devices, software and expert services). Special emphasis will be given on those results of the applied research, which have already demonstrated an interest of particular partners in the application sphere, or an initial market research has shown an added value for a specific use in practice. Finally, this project will focus on disseminating the results of supported sub-projects and their popularization both inside and outside IOP in order to motivate researchers to identify possibilities of results’ applications.

GAMA 2 sub-projects

201: Absolute crystal structure determination by electron diffraction data analysis

Investigator: Dr. rer. nat. Lukáš Palatinus

Period: 01/2020 - 01/2021

Sub-project budget: 960 000 CZK


202: Highly stable femtosecond laser oscillator

Investigator: Ing. Martin Smrž, Ph.D.

Period: 01/2020 - 06/2021

Sub-project budget: 1 000 000 CZK


203: 1kHz detection systems for transient spectroscopy

Investigator: Ing. Miroslav Kloz, Ph.D.

Period: 04/2020 - 03/2022

Sub-project budget: 1 000 000 CZK


204: Proton Boron Capture Therapy (PBCT): in-vivo validation for clinical application

Investigator: Lorenzo Giuffrida, Ph.D.

Period: 04/2020 - 03/2022

Sub-project budget: 1 000 000 CZK


205: Advanced Microfluidic Flow Cells for (Bio)chemical Applications

Investigator: N. Scott Lynn Jr.

Period: 04/2020 - 03/2021

Sub-project budget: 599 000 CZK


206: Protection layers for optical elements in infrared spectral range

Investigator: Mgr. Zdeněk Remeš, Ph.D.

Period: 06/2020 - 05/2022

Sub-project budget: 1 000 000 CZK


207: Simple HFV/HFJV for invasive mechanical ventilation

Investigator: Ing. Michael Písařík, Ph.D.

Period: 05/2020 - 08/2020

Budget: 370 000 CZK


208: Development of non-invasive sublingual COVID-19 vaccine

Investigator: doc. Ing. Irena Kratochvílová, Ph.D.

Period: 05/2020 – 05/2021

Budget: 500 000 CZK


209: Ultralow Fouling and Functionalizable Biochip Production for Coronavirus and Beyond

Investigator: Scott Lynn, Ph.D.

Period: 05/2020 – 05/2022

Budget: 2 019 000 CZK


210: Two-stage gas target for electron laser acceleration

Investigator: Bc. Sebastian Lorenz

Period: 01/2021 – 12/2021

Budget: 600 000 CZK


211: Alkaline-copper halogens as new scintillation materials for radiation detectors

Investigator: Ing. Robert Král, Ph. D.

Period: 01/2021 - 12/2022

Budget: 380 000 CZK


212: GREENPHASOR - system enabling a more intensive use of green electricity at end customer delivery points

Investigator: Ing. Lubomír Křivánek

Period: 01/2021 – 10/2022

Budget: 547 500 CZK


213: Spectrometer with a pyroelectric field for mid-infrared spectral range

Investigator: Ing. Ondřej Novák, Ph. D.

Period: 01/2021 – 06/2022

Budget: 790 000 CZK


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