Morphological and physical classification of radio sources
Dr. Dorota Kozieł-Wierzbowska
Based on the ROGUE I catalogue, I will discuss the methods of identification and classification of radio sources in the large radio surveys. The catalogue was created by cross-matching galaxies from the SDSS with the FIRST and NVSS catalogues. It contains more than 32,000 galaxies with a FIRST identification within 3arcsec of the optical position, and is the largest, handmade catalogue of this kind. However, as most catalogues with a low flux density limit, it contains the mixture of radio sources. The separation of radio AGNs from the radio emission arising in the star-forming regions is a challenging task. In the recent papers (e.g. Best & Heckman 2012, Sabater et al. 2019) separation of these two populations was made based on several different diagrams. This procedure is complicated and requires the knowledge of many different parameters, like optical emission line ratios or galaxy mass. Therefore, during my talk I will also discuss diagrams that can be used to distinguish radio emission produced by jets from the one emitted in star-forming regions.
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