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Managing Editors

James Forder

Francis J. Teal

OEP Special Issue

Call for papers: “New directions in understanding philanthropic activities”

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Symposium on Inequality

Browse research from the latest Oxford Economic Papers Symposium on Inequality. Articles discuss selective schooling systems, increased income inequality in advanced economies since the 1980s, and the impact of wealth on children’s exposure to environmental pollutants. 

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Special Issue: Sovereign Debt Restructuring

Read the latest Special Issue from Oxford Economic Papers, which investigates the mechanisms that help ensure the orderly functioning of sovereign debt markets, as well as conditions under which these same mechanisms lead to default, crisis, and costly debt restructuring.

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Highly Cited Articles

Explore the research that is making an impact in this collection of highly cited articles, freely available to read until the end of December 2020.

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In the News

Developed countries benefit economically from counterterrorism efforts

A new study in Oxford Economic Papers suggests that developed counties may see significant economic gains from their efforts to combat terrorist threats. Developing counties, in contrast, appear to suffer economically from counterterrorism threats.

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Who are the super-rich and why they are paid so much?

One of the most common arguments against contemporary capitalism is that it generates extreme inequalities. Few individuals – it is often said – earn huge earnings, while the rest of society has to struggle to make ends meet...

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Prostitution: The world's oldest public policy issue

Ever since the first arrangements were made for the exchange of some form of money for some form of sex, buying (or selling) sex has raised thorny issues for society's rulers and governments...

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What are the hidden effects of tax credits?

UK tax credits are benefits first introduced in 1999 to help low-paid families through topping up their wages with the aims of 'making work pay' and reducing poverty, although they also cover non-working families with children...

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The economics behind detecting terror plots

How many good guys are needed to catch the bad guys? This is the staffing question faced by counterterrorism agencies the world over...

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Articles from Oxford Journals economics titles are classified according to the system used by the Journal of Economic Literature (commonly known as 'JEL codes'). 

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