Welcome to Elsevier Connect
News, information and features for the research, health and technology communities

Digital entrepreneurs in Germany peer into the future of work and life

Corporate commentary
Infographic: Elsevier and the UK

How Elsevier helped me regain trust and comfort in “corporate America”

Practical guide
Engineers and geoscientists need new skills for a renewable future
Research insight
Elsevier's reports on gender in research
Elsevier’s latest global analysis reveals progress toward gender parity, but women still trail men in number of publications and citations

Practical guide
How webinars are helping societies engage new audiences

Practical guide
What is CiteScore and why should you care about it?

Practical guide
How preprints can make research more discoverable

Practical guide
How asking the right questions can help engineers avoid corrosion mistakes

Research insight
The Lancet EiC honored as leading scientific and human rights voice at forefront of pandemic

Research insight
Filling in the blanks of knowledge graphs

Why North-South collaborations are good for everyone

Corporate commentary
Partnering for sustainability: a new approach for a new world

Corporate commentary
Helping you know – and show – the ROI of the research you fund
Practical guide
Demystifying the COVID-19 vaccines: 6 things you need to know
The Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Infectious Diseases answers questions about the safety of COVID vaccines and how they work on new variants

Practical guide
Infographic: How to answer 5 difficult questions about Covid vaccines

Research insight
Nobel Summit academics: the greatest challenges facing humanity may also be the greatest opportunities

How nurses can act as a touchpoint in underrepresented communities

Clinical insight
Pandemic raises new alarms on mental health

In nursing, self-assessment is key to ensuring inclusive healthcare
Authors' Update
Stories keeping journal authors in touch with industry developments, support and training.

Practical guide
Announcing the author resilience center

Practical guide
In a nutshell: how to write a lay summary

Practical guide
Finding the best home for your research
Editors' Update
Industry developments, policies and initiatives of interest to our journal editors and editorial board members.

Practical guide
Tips & tricks for managing the peer review process with Editorial Manager - Part 1

Increasing (gender) diversity on a journal: a case study
Reviewers' Update
Information for reviewers about relevant Elsevier and industry developments, support and training.

“They’ve got it all wrong!” How to give constructive feedback in peer review

Want to become a certified peer reviewer?

Ten reasons to accept your (next) invitation to review
Library Connect
Partnering with the Library Community

Librarian stories
Advancing responsible research assessment: NICHD’s story

Librarian stories
Reimagining services for the university community during a pandemic: a tale of two Florida academic libraries

Librarian stories
Ensuring research integrity: resources for librarians and their users
Showcasing research from Elsevier journals that impact people's lives.
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