Sféra Iohanna de Sacrobosco – středověká učebnice základů astronomie

Alena Hadravová, Petr Hadrava

The Latin treatise Tractatus de spera mundi (‘Treatise on the Sphere of the World’) was written by the early 13th-century English astronomer Johannes de Sacrobosco at the University of Paris where he spent his entire professional career. The treatise went on to become the most popular medieval textbook of the elements of astronomy and geocentric cosmology and was read and studied as such until the 17th century. Our publication contains an edition of the Latin original of Sacrobosco’s Sphere and an annotated translation into Czech together with a commentary to the text written by Wenceslaus Faber de Budweis (also Vaclav Faber z Budějovic, c. 1455/1460–1518) towards the end of the 15th century.

HADRAVOVÁ, Alena –  HADRAVA, Petr. Sféra Iohanna de Sacrobosco – středověká učebnice základů astronomie. Praha: Akropolis, 2019. 366 s. ISBN 978-80-7470-267-9.

Sféra Iohanna de Sacrobosco – středověká učebnice základů astronomie

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