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Photosynthetica, 2015 (vol. 53), issue 1



Helena Synková, Ivana Štětinová

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):1-2 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0093-6  

Original Papers

Water-deficiency effects on single leaf gas exchange and on C4 pathway enzymes of maize genotypes with differing abiotic stress tolerance

R. Sicher, J. Bunce, J. Barnaby, B. Bailey

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):3-10 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0074-9  

Responses to drought were studied using two maize inbred lines (B76 and B106) and a commercial maize hybrid (Zea mays L. cv. Silver Queen) with differing resistance to abiotic stress. Maize seedlings were grown in pots in controlled environment chambers for 17 days and watering was withheld from one half the plants for an additional 11 days. On the final treatment date, leaf water potentials did not differ among genotypes and were -0.84 and -1.49 MPa in the water sufficient and insufficient treatments, respectively. Greater rates of CO2 assimilation were retained by the stress tolerant maize inbred line, B76, in comparison to the...

Photoacclimation capacity in seedling and sapling of Siparuna guianensis (Siparunaeae): Response to irradiance gradient in tropical forest

T. O. Vieira, M. S. O. Degli-Esposti, G. M. Souza, G. R. Rabelo, M. Da Cunha, A. P. Vitória

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):11-22 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0073-x  

Light is a limiting factor in plant establishment and growth in the understory of forests. In this paper, we assessed acclimation capacity of Siparuna guianensis, an early secondary successional species. We used seedlings and saplings in three regeneration areas with different irradiance regimes to determine the traits that confer photoplasticity. We examined whether these traits differ at different developmental stages. Anatomical characteristics, photochemical efficiency, photosynthetic capacity, and growth were analyzed. Multivariate component analysis revealed the formation of six clusters: three for seedlings (one for each regeneration...

Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics and the growth response of Elaeocarpus glabripetalus to simulated acid rain

M. H. Liu, L. T. Yi, S. Q. Yu, F. Yu, X. M. Yin

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):23-28 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0071-z  

Acid rain causes damages to forest ecosystems. Here, we reported that acid rain could promote plant growth. From 2006 to 2009, one-year-old Elaeocarpus glabripetalus seedlings were sprayed with simulated acid rain (AR) (pH 2.5, 4.0, and 5.6). The maximum quantum yield efficiency of PSII and the actual photochemical quantum efficiency of PSII increased with rising AR acidity, which facilitated chlorophyll fluorescence and plant growth, as shown by a declining minimal fluorescence yield of dark-adapted state with little damage to the PSII reaction center. After the second experimental year, the plant height and ground diameter were greater at...

Gas-exchange response of almond genotypes to water stress

S. Karimi, A. Yadollahi, K. Arzani, A. Imani, M. Aghaalikhani

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):29-34 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0070-0  

We studied water relations and gas exchange in six almond genotypes grafted on GF677 in response to withholding irrigation for 14 days and a subsequent 10-day rehydration period. The responses to drought stress significantly differed in the almond genotypes; the tolerant plants were distinguished and monitored. Leaf relative water content (RWC) decreased by more than 23%, leaf water potential dropped to less than -4.3 MPa, and electrolyte leakage increased to 43% in dehydration-sensitive genotypes. Photosynthesis (P N) and stomatal conductance (g s) of drought-sensitive genotypes were significantly reduced by 70%...

Corylus avellana responsiveness to light variations: morphological, anatomical, and physiological leaf trait plasticity

R. Catoni, M. U. Granata, F. Sartori, L. Varone, L. Gratani

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):35-46 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0078-5  

Morphological, anatomical, and physiological leaf traits of Corylus avellana plants growing in different light conditions within the natural reserve "Siro Negri" (Italy) were analyzed. The results highlighted the capability of C. avellana to grow both in sun and shade conditions throughout several adaptations at leaf level. In particular, the more than 100% higher specific leaf area in shade is associated to a 44% lower palisade to spongy parenchyma thickness ratio compared with that in sun. Moreover, the chlorophyll (Chl) a to Chl b ratio decreased in response to the 97% decrease in photosynthetic photon flux density. The...

Evaluation of photosynthetic potential of wheat genotypes under drought condition

S. Sikder, J. Foulkes, H. West, J. De Silva, O. Gaju, A. Greenland, P. Howell

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):47-54 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0082-9  

Water availability is one of the most important limiting factors in agriculture worldwide, particularly in arid and semiarid regions. Six spring wheat genotypes, i.e. three UK cultivars Cadenza, Paragon, and Xi-19 and three synthetic-derived lines L-22, L-24, and L-38, were grown in a phytotron under well-watered (until 40 days after sowing) and drought conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the traits related to photosynthetic capacity (net photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, internal CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, carboxylation capacity, instantaneous and intrinsic water-use efficiency) and plant biomass...

Alkali tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.): growth, photosynthesis, nitrogen metabolism, and ion homeostasis

H. Wang, X. Lin, S. Cao, Z. Wu

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):55-65 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0079-4  

Alkali stress is an important agricultural problem that affects plant metabolism, specifically root physiology. In this study, using two rice cultivars differing in alkali resistance, we investigated the physiological and molecular responses of rice plants to alkali stress. Compared to the alkali-sensitive cultivar (SC), the alkali-tolerant cultivar (TC) maintained higher photosynthesis and root system activity under alkali stress. Correspondingly, the Na+ content in its shoots was much lower, and the contents of mineral ions (e.g., K+, NO3 -, and H2PO4 -) in its roots was higher...

Lead-induced toxicity and interference in chlorophyll fluorescence in Talinum triangulare grown hydroponically

A. Kumar, M. N. V. Prasad

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):66-71 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0091-8  

We investigated the lead (Pb) effect on chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence and photosynthetic electron transport system in Talinum triangulare (Jacq.) Willd. Plants were exposed to different concentrations of Pb(NO3)2 (i.e. 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, and 1.25 mM) for seven days in hydroponic experiments. Pb-treated leaves exhibited a relative decrease in Chl fluorescence induction curve, which resulted in the decrease of maximal fluorescence yield, maximal quantum yield, and effective quantum yield of PSII, while nonphotochemical quenching, quantum yield of regulated and nonregulated energy dissipation of PSII significantly...

Easy-to-make portable chamber for in situ CO2 exchange measurements on biological soil crusts

M. Ladrón De Guevara, R. Lázaro, J. L. Quero, S. Chamizo, F. Domingo

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):72-84 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0086-5  

Commercial chambers for in vivo gas exchange are usually designed to measure on vascular plants, but not on cryptogams and other organisms forming biological soil crusts (BSCs). We have therefore designed two versions of a chamber with different volumes for determining CO2 exchange with a portable photosynthesis system, for three main purposes: (1) to measure in situ CO2 exchange on soils covered by BSCs with minimal physical and microenvironmental disturbance; (2) to acquire CO2-exchange measurements comparable with the most widely employed systems and methodologies; and (3) to monitor...

Effects of low temperature and low irradiance on the physiological characteristics and related gene expression of different pepper species

L. J. Ou, G. Wei, Z. Q. Zhang, X. Z. Dai, X. X. Zou

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):85-94 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0084-7  

Pepper is a thermophilous and heliophilic vegetable. In China, pepper is grown in greenhouse during winter and spring under lower temperature and irradiation. In this study, we investigated the effects of low temperature and low irradiance (LTLI) on the physiological characteristics and the expression of related genes in five pepper species, Capsicum annuum L. (CA), C. baccatum L. (CB), C. chinense Jacquin (CC), C. frutescens L. (CF), and C. pubescens Ruiz & Pavon (CP) in order to screen for greenhouse species that is resistant to such adverse conditions. We observed significant reductions not only in photosynthetic...

Response of wheat ear photosynthesis and photosynthate carbon distribution to water deficit

S. Jia, J. Lv, S. Jiang, T. Liang, C. Liu, Z. Jing

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):95-109 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0087-4  

Understanding distribution and transport of carbon assimilates and photosynthesis contribution to grain yield in wheat spike is important in assessing the photosynthetic process under stress conditions. In this study, photosynthetic characteristics were evaluated in a pot experiment. Transport of spike photosynthates to grain was demonstrated using 14C isotope tracer technique. Yield and key enzyme activities of C3 and C4 pathways were examined after anthesis in wheat cultivars of different drought resistance. The ear net photosynthetic rate, chlorophyll content of the spike bracts (glume, lemma, and palea), and relative...

Morphological, physiological, and biochemical responses of Populus euphratica to soil flooding

B. Yu, C. Y. Zhao, J. Li, J. Y. Li, G. Peng

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):110-117 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0088-3  

The riparian forests along the Tarim River, habitats for Populus euphratica establishment, are subjected to frequent flooding. To elucidate adaptive strategies that enable this species to occupy the riparian ecosystem subjected to seasonal or permanent water-logging, we examined functional characteristics of plant growth, xylem water relations, leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) content and fluorescence, soluble sugar and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in P. euphratica seedlings flooded for 50 d. Although flooded seedlings kept absorbing carbon throughout the experiment, their shoot and root growth rates were lower than in non-flooded...

The effect of irradiance and water restriction on photosynthesis in young jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa) plants

A. C. Costa, S. L. Rezende-Silva, C. A. Megguer, L. M. F. Moura, M. Rosa, A. A. Silva

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):118-127 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0085-6  

High irradiance promotes decreases in the quantum yield in plants, which reduce the photosynthetic rate. The excess of light in combination with water deficit can intensify the response of plants to stress, especially in species susceptible to those factors. The aim of the present study was to characterize the photosynthetic activity of young jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne) trees under different irradiance conditions, both alone and/or in combination with water deficit. Four irradiances [45, 230, 510, and 1,700 μmol(photon) m-2 s-1] and two levels of water in soil (90% and 50% of field capacity)...

Physiological and biochemical responses to saline-alkaline stress in two halophytic grass species with different photosynthetic pathways

C. Y. Guo, X. Z. Wang, L. Chen, L. N. Ma, R. Z. Wang

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):128-135 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0094-5  

We examined the physiological and biochemical responses of two halophytic grasses with different photosynthetic pathways, Puccinellia tenuiflora (C3) and Chloris virgata (C4), to saline-alkaline stresses. Plants were grown at different Na2CO3 concentrations (from 0 to 200 mM). Low Na2CO3 (< 12.5 mM) enhanced seed germination and plant growth, whereas high Na2CO3 concentrations (> 100 mM) reduced seed germination by 45% in P. tenuiflora and by 30% in C. virgata. Compared to C. virgata, P. tenuiflora showed lower net...

A marine phytoplankton Prymnesium parvum upregulates the component proteins of photosystem II under iron stress

M. M. Rahman, M. A. Rahman, T. Maki, T. Nishiuchi, T. Asano, H. Hasegawa

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):136-143 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0095-4  

Iron is an essential limiting factor for primary production in many marine systems. The present study investigated differential regulation of protein expression in marine phytoplankton Prymnesium parvum under low Fe concentration. The phytoplankton was grown in f/2 culture medium in artificial seawater with low (0.0025 μM) and high (0.05 μM) Fe concentrations. Two-dimensional differential gel electrophoresis and matrix-assisted laser desorption-ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometer analysis were performed for protein identification and characterization. The growth of the alga declined substantially under the low Fe compared to the...

Chloroplast ultrastructure, photosynthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites in Glechoma longituba in response to irradiance

L. X. Zhang, Q. S. Guo, Q. S. Chang, Z. B. Zhu, L. Liu, Y. H. Chen

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):144-153 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0092-7  

Glechoma longituba (Nakai) Kupr. is a perennial shade plant with pharmaceutical importance. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of light intensity on the growth, photosynthesis, and accumulation of secondary metabolites in G. longituba grown under six different light environments. The high light intensity decreased the leaf size, specific leaf area, and aboveground dry mass, the number of grana per chloroplast, the number of lamella per granum, the thickness of the grana, the apparent quantum efficiency, the chlorophyll (Chl) content, the concentrations of ursolic and oleanolic acid. The high light increased the stomatal...

Brief Communications

Foliar δ13C values, photosynthetic pathway and functional type for 238 common species on farm land and disturbed forest in Laos

A. De Rouw, J. F. Maxwell, C. Girardin

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):154-156 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0081-x  

Despite the elimination of the original forest and frequent cultivation using slash and burn, a large spread in leaf δ13C was recorded in weeds, crops, and bush fallow species, reflecting a forest environment rather than a broken canopy or open environment.

Fertilization regimes under hot conditions alter photosynthetic response of bean plants

I. A. Hassan, H. M. Abou Zeid, W. Taia, N. S. Haiba, A. Zahran, R. H. Badr, R. A. El Dakak, E. A. Shalaby

Photosynthetica 2015, 53(1):157-160 | DOI: 10.1007/s11099-015-0090-9  

We examined the effects of foliar application of various nitrogen (urea) concentrations on gas-exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence characteristics in bean plants treated by heat stress (42/30°C, day/night temperatures). Heat stress caused reductions in contents of Chl a, Chl b, and in maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII by 13, 20, and 27%, respectively, regardless of the N treatment. However, N fertilization caused significant increases in these parameters, especially at higher N concentrations. The net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance were enhanced by 32, 60, and 69% and by 25, 88, and 100% due to addition of...