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Cutting-edge science for health


Jakub Otáhal was appointed a Professor (10.5. 2021)

Assoc. Prof. MUDr.  Jakub Otáhal, PhD was appointed a Professor in Medical Physiology and Pathophysiology. Czech president signed a letter of appointment on May 8, 2021. The appointment procedure took a place at Charles University, Prague.

7 scientists from the Institute of Physiology are among the 2% most cited scientists in the world (10.5. 2021)

Elsevier, SciTech Strategies and John P. A. Ioannidis from University of Standford prepared a list of  2 % of the most cited scientists from all fieldswhich includes the Scopus database for 2019. A total of 359 of them work at Czech research institutions (107 of them are from the Czech Academy of Sciences). The list includes 7 current and former scientists from the Institute of Physiology CAS: Petr Ježek, Stanislav Tuček, Pavel Mareš, Tomáš Čajka, Ivan Mikšík, Lucie Bačáková and Jiří Vaněček. More

Petr Lánský has died (28.4. 2021)

With deep sorrow we announce that on April 24, 2021 died at the age of 72 doc. RNDr. Petr Lánský, DrSc., Senior researcher at the Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and founder of the field of computational neuroscience in the Czech Republic.

Memory Park´s psychological tests attracted over 1200 people (24.3. 2021)

Psychological tests which were a part of online Brain Awareness Week 2021, had a success. During the weekly event, 1261 people tried to take one of the tests, 1023 people completed at least one test and 864 people completed at least one questionnaire (complete statistics). The tests are used to detect memory impairment and space orientation of patients with Alzheimer's disease, epilepsy or schizophrenia. Tests are still available at this link.

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