Photosynthetica, 1999 (vol. 37), issue 4
Long-Term Ecological Research on Chlorophyll Cycling in the Yuanyang Lake Nature Preserve I. The Grey Prediction Models on Chlorophyll Degradation of Chamaecyparis var. Formosana Leaf
C.M. Yang, J.S. Yang, C.K. Yang, C.H. Chou
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):499-508 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007157403008
We applied the grey system theory to evaluation of chlorophyll (Chl) degradation in Chamaecyparis Sieb. & Zucc. var. formosana (Hayata) Rehder needle-leaf in the Yuanyang Lake Nature Preserve of northern Taiwan. Pigment analysis was finished within 12 h after collecting the samples. Four grey prediction models for the degradation of Chl a, Chl b, and for the change of Chl a/b ratio and water content were established and compared with the results of linear and exponential regression analysis. The residual error and accuracy range show that the grey prediction process is much better than regression analysis. The...
Impact of Measurement Irradiance on Acclimation of Photosynthesis to Elevated CO2 Concentration in Several Plant Species
J.A. Bunce, L.H. Ziska
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):509-517 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007198819846
Controlled environment chamber and glasshouse studies were conducted on six herbaceous annual species grown at 350 (AC) and 700 (EC) μmol(CO2) mol-1 to determine whether growth at EC resulted in acclimation of the apparent quantum yield of photosynthesis (QY) measured at limiting photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD), or in acclimation of net photosynthetic rate (PN) measured at saturating PPFD. It was also determined whether acclimation in PN at limiting PPFD was correlated with acclimation of carboxylation efficiency or ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration rate measured at...
Francis, R.L.: The Illustrated Almanac of Science, Technology, and Invention. Day by Day, Facts, Figures, and the Fanciful
Z. Šesták
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):518 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007196113911
Relationship between Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolisms in Photosynthesis. The Role of Photooxidation Processes
V. Chikov, G. Bakirova
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):519-527 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007150921664
14CO2 uptake in leaves of wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) fertilized by urea or Ca(NO3)2 (25 mol m-3) was investigated. The Warburg effect (inhibition of 14CO2 uptake by oxygen) under 0.03 vol. % CO2 concentration was observed only in non-fertilized plants. Under 0.03 vol. % CO2, the Warburg antieffect (stimulation of 14CO2 uptake by oxygen) was detected only in plants fertilized by Ca(NO3)2. Under saturating CO2 concentration (0.30 vol. %), the Warburg antieffect was observed in all variants....
De Kok, L.J., Stulen, I. (ed.): Responses of Plant Metabolism to Air Pollution and Global Change
J. Čatský
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):528 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007148330750
Interaction of Anions and Cations in Regulating Energy Distribution between the Two Photosystems
Anjana Jajoo, Sudhakar Bharti
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):529-535 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007159105734
Cations such as Mg2+ regulate spillover of absorbed excitation energy mainly in favour of photosystem (PS) 2. Effect of low concentration (<10 mM) of the monovalent cation Na+ on chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence was completely overridden by divalent cation Mg2+ (5 mM). Based on Chl a fluorescence yield and 77 K emission measurements, we revealed the role and effectiveness of anions (Cl-, SO42-, PO43-) in lowering the Mg2+-induced PS2 fluorescence. The higher the valency of the anion, the lesser was the expression of Mg2+ effect....
Milgrom, L.R.: The Colours of Life
Z. Šesták
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):536 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007100414820
Influence of Enhanced Concentration of Carbon Dioxide and Moderate Drought on Fluorescence Induction in White Clover (Trifolium repens L.)
M. Pol, D. Gołębiowska, J. Miklewska
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):537-542 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007111222572
In a 5-months' experiment with white clover grown in two CO2 atmospheres (AC = 350 and EC = 700 cm3 m-3) and two humidities (-0.2 and -0.8 MPa), changes in fluorescence induction parameters were investigated. Changes induced by EC did not coincide with those induced by moderate drought. Long-term EC significantly increased stationary fluorescence Fs and decreased the vitality coefficient Rfd. Moderate drought significantly shortened the fluorescence half-time and decreased the area above the induction curve Sc and the Fv/Fm ratio.
The Effects of Intermittent Flooding on Seedlings of Three Forest Species
P.H. Anderson, S.R. Pezeshki
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):543-552 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007163206642
Under greenhouse conditions, seedlings of three forest species, baldcypress (Taxodium distichum), nuttall oak (Quercus nuttallii), and swamp chestnut oak (Quercus michauxii) were subjected to an intermittent flooding and subsequent physiological and growth responses to such conditions were evaluated. Baldcypress showed no significant reductions in stomatal conductance (gs) or net photosynthetic rate (PN) in response to flood pulses. In nuttall oak seedlings gs and PN were significantly decreased during periods of inundation, but recovered rapidly following...
Inhibition of Pigment Biosynthesis in Cucumber Cotyledons by Isoxaflutole
S. Kushwaha, P.C. Bhowmik
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):553-558 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007115307551
Isoxaflutole [5-cyclopropyl-4-(2-methylsulphonyl-4-trifluromethylbenzoyl)isoxazole] is a new preemergence herbicide for broad-spectrum weed control in maize. The effect of isoxaflutole on chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoid (Car) biosynthesis was investigated in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cotyledons. Etiolated tissue was incubated with 5 mM isoxaflutole for 24 h and irradiated (60 μmol m-2 s-1). The irradiation for 3 h did not reduce Chl a, Chl b, and Car contents, but after a 28-h irradiation the contents of Chl a and Car decreased by 35 and 15 %, respectively, and the content of Chl b increased...
Diurnal Changes of Gas Exchange, Chlorophyll Fluorescence, and Stomatal Aperture of Hybrid Poplar Clones Subjected to Midday Light Stress
Shouren Zhang, Rongfu Gao
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):559-571 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007119524389
Diurnal changes in net photosynthetic rate (PN), chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, and stomatal aperture of several hybrid poplar clones subjected to midday light stress were measured in July and August of 1996. Midday depression of PN, photosystem 2 (PS2) efficiency, stomatal conductance (gs), and stomatal aperture was observed in all clones, though at differing rates among them. Non-uniform stomatal closure occurred at noon and at other times, requiring a modification of intercellular CO2 concentration (C1). A linear relationship was found between gs...
McIntosh, L. (ed.): Photosynthesis: Molecular Biology of Energy Capture
Z. Šesták
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):572 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007152415729
Leaf Anatomy, Inclination, and Gas Exchange Relationships in Evergreen Sclerophqldous and Drought Semideciduous Shrub Species
L. Gratani, A. Bombelli
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):573-585 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007171525298
There are significant differences in leaf life-span among evergreen sclerophyllous species and drought semideciduous species growing in the Mediterranean maquis. Cistus incamus, which has a leaf life-span of four-eight months, was characterised by the highest net photosynthetic rates (PN), while Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia, which maintain their leaves two-three and two-four years, respectively, had a lower PN. The longer leaf life-span of the two evergreen sclerophyllous species may be justified to cover the high production costs of leaf protective structures such as cuticle, hairs,...
Rochaix, J.-D., Goldschmidt-Clermont, M., Merchant, S. (ed.): The Molecular Biology of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria in Chlamydomonas
Z. Šesták
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):586 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007156532567
Photosynthesis in Plants of Four Tropical Species Growing under Elevated CO2
M.D. Fernández, A. Pieters, M. Azkue, E. Rengifo, W. Tezara, F.I. Woodward, A. Herrera
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):587-599 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007175609368
We studied the responses of leaf gas exchange and growth to an increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration in four tropical deciduous species differing in carbon fixation metabolism: Alternanthera crucis, C3-C4; Ipomoea carnea, C3; Jatropha gossypifolia, C3; and Talinum triangulare, inducible-CAM. In the first stage, plants were grown in one open-top chamber at a CO2 concentration of 560±40 μmol mol-1 (EC), one ambient CO2 concentration chamber (AC), and one unenclosed plot (U). In the second stage, plants were grown in five EC chambers (CO2 concentration = 680±30...
Klötzli, F., Walther, G.-R. (ed.): Conference on Recent Shifts in Vegetation Boundaries of Deciduous Forests, Especially Due to General Global Warming
J. Čatský
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):600 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007108616637
Diurnal and Seasonal Patterns of Water Potential, Photosynthesis, Evapotranspiration and Water Use Efficiency of Clusterbean
A. Kumar, N.C. Turner, D.P. Singh, P. Singh, M. Barr
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):601-607 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007127726207
Diurnal patterns of leaf water potential (ΨW), canopy net photosynthetic rate (PN), evapotranspiration rate (E), canopy temperature (Tc), and water use efficiency (WUE) of clusterbean [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub., cv. Desi] were studied at six phenological stages of plant development under field conditions at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. The highest PN, E, and WUE were observed at pod initiation stage (61 DAS). Daily maxima of PN were usually between 11:00 to 14:00 h while those of E and WUE between 12:30 and 16:00 h. PN...
Pugnaire, F.I., Valladares, F. (ed.): Handbook of Functional Plant Ecology
J. Čatský
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):608 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007160600708
Acidity of the Thylakoid Lumen in Plastids Makes Sense from an Evolutionary Perspective
R.E. Lee, P. Kugrens
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):609-614 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007179710277
An acid pH in the lumen of chloroplast thylakoids is necessary in order to derive the required amount of CO2 to account for the observed rates of carbon fixation. We point out that the endosymbiotic derivation of the chloroplast from a cyanobacterium would have resulted in the lumen of the thylakoid having an acid pH. The thylakoids of cyanobacteria are continuous with the plasma membrane, resulting in the lumen of the thylakoid being open to the outside of the cell. Endosymbiosis resulted in the cyanobacterium being taken up into a food vacuole of a protozoan. The vacuole would have had an acid pH, probably around pH 5, so the endosymbiotic...
Flavonoid Responses in Wheat Grown at Elevated CO2: Green Versus Senescent Leaves
J. Peñuelas, M. Estiarte, B.A. Kimball
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):615-619 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007131827115
We compared flavonoids in green, mature, and senescing flag leaves of wheat grown under ambient (AC - 370 μmol mol-1) and elevated (EC - 550 μmol mol-1) concentrations of CO2 in a FACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) system. The concentrations of flag leaf flavonoids (e.g., isoorientin and tricin) decreased to one third in mature leaves, and the majoritary isoorientin almost disappeared in senescing leaves. Flavonoid concentrations increased in green well-developed flag leaves under EC (46 % isoorientin and 55 % tricin), whereas the differences disappeared in mature and senescing flag leaves. Predictions...
Stanhill, G., Enoch, H.Z. (ed.): Greenhouse Ecosystems.(Ecosystems of the World 20.)
J. Čatský
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):620 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007112717546
Influence of Drought, High Temperature, and Carbamide Cytokinin 4-PU-30 on Photosynthetic Activity of Plants. 2. Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Primary Bean Leaves
D. Stoyanova, I. Yordanov
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):621-625 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007183811186
Ultrastructural changes in chloroplasts of primary leaves of 15-d-old bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Cheren Starozagorski) in response to a single stress (increasing water deficit, WD) as well as to combined stress (WD plus high temperature, WD+HT) were investigated under the possible protective or reparatory effects of the carbamide cytokinin 4-PU-30 [N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N-phenylurea] applied before or after the stress. Essential structural changes in chloroplast ultrastructure occurred mainly in plants that had experienced WD+HT: the thylakoids were swollen, the envelope was destroyed, and the spatial orientation of inner...
Kirkman, J.: Guidelines for Giving Effective Presentations. 2nd Ed.
Z. Šesták
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):626 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007164701616
Effects of Cadmium and Gibberellin on Growth and Photosynthesis of Glycine Max
M. Ghorbanli, S. Hadad Kaveh, M. Farzami Sepehr
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):627-631 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007135928024
The effects of 0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 mg(Cd2+) m-3 [Cd(NO3)2×4 H2O] and 0 and 10.0 mg m-3 gibberellin on certain parameters of photosynthesis and growth in soybean (Glycine max L. cv. Pershing) plants were studied. With increasing Cd2+ concentration in the Hoagland nutrient solution, the contents of chlorophyll and CO2 compensation concentration decreased. The addition of 10 mg m-3 gibberellin reduced the negative effects of Cd2+ in shoot and root growth. With increasing of Cd2+ concentration in the culture medium, the dry matter production...
Day, R.A.: How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper.5th Ed.
Z. Šesták
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):632 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007116818454
Day, A.: How to Get Research Published in Journals
Z. Šesták
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):632 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007144129841
Gas Exchange Characteristics of the Flue-Cured Tobacco (Nicotiana Tabacum L.) Cultivars Grown under Two Production Systems
P. Srinivas, B.N. Smith, P.M. Swamy
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):633-637 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007187928932
The net photosynthetic rate (PN), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), water use efficiency (WUE), and leaf biomass production of four American flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cultivars K 326, K 358, and Speight G 28 were compared with three local Indian cultivars 16/103, Special FCV, and PCT-7, during 1994 and 1995 crop seasons under irrigated and rainfed production systems (Northern light soils, NLS, and Karnataka light soils, KLS) in India. By comparison, the American tobacco cv. K 326 showed the highest PN...
Jeffrey, S.W., Mantoura, R.F.C., Wright, S.W. (ed.): Phytoplankton Pigments in Oceanography: Guidelines to Modern Methods
Z. Šesták
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):638 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007168802525
Radiant Energy Utilized in Photosynthesis
P. Strebeyko
Photosynthetica 1999, 37(4):639-640 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1007192013003
On the basis of values from literature it was established that photosynthetically used radiation (PUR) amounts to 6 % of absorbed radiant energy in cabbage (producer of high yields), 3.5 % in sugar beet leaves, and 2.6 % in tobacco leaves. PUR of these species did not depend on irradiance in a wide range from 22 to 287 W m-2.