Imaging and CONtrol In Chemistry
Grant Agency
European Commission
Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry.
Year from
Year to
Abstract: Velocity map imaging (VMI) has enabled a number of remarkable advances in the field of molecular dynamics over the past few years. Owing to the robustness of VMI, exciting new applications are anticipated. ICONIC will link 12 European partners using and improving VMI in a four year program spanning several areas of experimental physics and chemistry and underpinning technologies in lasers, imaging detectors, high-speed electronics and mass spectrometric methods.
We will pursue the following scientific objectives:
1. To develop novel imaging technology for detection of ions and electrons.
2. To apply this new technology in studies of time- and/or quantum- resolved molecular dynamics, with an emphasis on ion-molecule reactions, reactive scattering, and photochemical processes in amino-acids and bio-mimic molecules.
3. To develop novel mass spectrometric imaging applications for use in analytical chemistry by implementing state-of-the-art imaging detection techniques.
4. To integrate imaging techniques with ultrafast pulse-shaping, coincidence detectors, and molecular state preparation methods in order to create mechanisms for quantum control of molecular dynamics.
We will provide high quality integrated training for ESRs (576 training months) and ERs (78 training months) which will expose them to a wide range of instrumental methods and applications and set broad horizons for their future career paths. Training of an individual ESR (or ER) will be the responsibility of the local primary supervisor, supported by two secondary supervisors – one in the host institution, and a mentor from another node within the Network – and the oversight of the network training coordinator (NTC). Training elements available to all ESRs will include workshops in Bristol on networking, communication and presentation, business, entrepreneurial and IP skills along with scientific training via graduate schools and inter-lab secondments.
Keywords: Physical sciences, Reaction mechanisms and dynamics, Molecular physics
Abstract: Velocity map imaging (VMI) has enabled a number of remarkable advances in the field of molecular dynamics over the past few years. Owing to the robustness of VMI, exciting new applications are anticipated. ICONIC will link 12 European partners using and improving VMI in a four year program spanning several areas of experimental physics and chemistry and underpinning technologies in lasers, imaging detectors, high-speed electronics and mass spectrometric methods.
We will pursue the following scientific objectives:
1. To develop novel imaging technology for detection of ions and electrons.
2. To apply this new technology in studies of time- and/or quantum- resolved molecular dynamics, with an emphasis on ion-molecule reactions, reactive scattering, and photochemical processes in amino-acids and bio-mimic molecules.
3. To develop novel mass spectrometric imaging applications for use in analytical chemistry by implementing state-of-the-art imaging detection techniques.
4. To integrate imaging techniques with ultrafast pulse-shaping, coincidence detectors, and molecular state preparation methods in order to create mechanisms for quantum control of molecular dynamics.
We will provide high quality integrated training for ESRs (576 training months) and ERs (78 training months) which will expose them to a wide range of instrumental methods and applications and set broad horizons for their future career paths. Training of an individual ESR (or ER) will be the responsibility of the local primary supervisor, supported by two secondary supervisors – one in the host institution, and a mentor from another node within the Network – and the oversight of the network training coordinator (NTC). Training elements available to all ESRs will include workshops in Bristol on networking, communication and presentation, business, entrepreneurial and IP skills along with scientific training via graduate schools and inter-lab secondments.
Keywords: Physical sciences, Reaction mechanisms and dynamics, Molecular physics
doc. Mgr. FÁRNÍK Michal Ph.D., DSc.
01 (suterén)
+420 26605 3206
