Head: Kubiś Wiesław Dr.
Main research themes of the department members can be described as the study and classification of mathematical structures, using advanced methods of logic, set theory, and category theory, as well as modern tools from mathematical analysis and algebra. Abstract analysis refers to these areas of science where mathematical logic plays a significant role, even though it is not the main object of study. These areas include descriptive set theory, topology, Banach space theory, and the theory of C* algebras.
Asadi-Vasfi M. Ali
Bartoš Adam Postdoc Bice Tristan Researcher Carotenuto Alessandro Postdoc Cúth Marek Researcher Di Liberti Ivan Postdoc Doležal Martin Researcher Doucha Michal Researcher Džamonja Mirna Researcher Engliš Miroslav Researcher Fabian Marián Researcher Forough Marzieh Postdoc Ghasemi Saeed Postdoc Gogatishvili Amiran Researcher Hájek Petr Researcher Horváth Bence Postdoc Jacelon Bhishan Postdoc |
Kąkol Jerzy
Kania Tomasz Researcher Kolář Jan Researcher Kopecká Eva Researcher Kostana Ziemowit Ph.D. student Krutov Andrey Postdoc Kubiś Wiesław Researcher Kurka Ondřej Researcher Marcinkowski Michał Postdoc Müller Vladimír Researcher Nowakowski Piotr Ph.D. student Rákosník Jiří Researcher Russo Tommaso Postdoc Šilhavý Miroslav Researcher Strung Karen Researcher Swaczyna Jarosław Postdoc Unver Yildiz Tugce Postdoc |
Display colors for members and former members of departments (actual status):
Active member of IM
Archived former member of IM
Active Joining IM
Archived Joining IM
Ambrozie Calin Grigore
from 2004 to 2015
Andruszkiewicz Jakub Ph.D. student from 2020 to 2020 Balcar Bohuslav Researcher from 1970 to 2017 Bartoš Adam Ph.D. student from 2018 to 2020 Bielas Wojciech Postdoc from 2016 to 2016 Cibulka Radek Ph.D. student from 2007 to 2008 d'Alessandro Stefania Ph.D. student from 2013 to 2014 Di Liberti Ivan Ph.D. student from 2017 to 2019 Doležal Martin Postdoc from 2014 to 2017 Doubek Martin Ph.D. student from 2007 to 2011 Doucha Michal Postdoc from 2016 to 2019 Draga Szymon Postdoc from 2019 to 2019 Draga Szymon Ph.D. student from 2017 to 2018 |
Duvieusart Arnaud
from 2020 to 2020
Honzík Petr Researcher from 2007 to 2012 John Kamil Researcher from 1970 to 2012 Kraus Michal Postdoc from 2014 to 2015 Markl Martin Researcher from 1990 to 2014 Musil Vít Postdoc from 2018 to 2020 Novotný Matěj Ph.D. student from 2013 to 2018 Pernecká Eva Ph.D. student from 2012 to 2014 Viscardi Claudia Ph.D. student from 2015 to 2016 Vršovský Jan Ph.D. student from 2004 to 2010 Walczyńska Marta Ph.D. student from 2016 to 2016 Zizler Václav Researcher from 2004 to 2012 Zuevsky Alexander Researcher from 2014 to 2014 |