Chronotype questionnaire.
1. How old are you? *
2. What is your gender? *
3. What is your height in cm? *
4. What is your weight in kg?
5. What is your postal code? Please do not use spaces between numbers.
6. What is the highest degree or level of school you have completed? Elementary or below (1), Trade/technical/vocational training (2), High school graduate (3), Associate degree (4), Bachelor’s degree (5), Master’s degree (6), vš Doctorate degree (7).
Zrušit výběr
7. How many days/week do you have a regular work schedule (work, school, house-work,... )? Is your answer 7 days or 0? Please consider if your sleep times may nonetheless differ between regular ‘workdays’ and ‘weekend days’ and fill out the MCTQ in this respect. *
8. When do you go to bed on or before workdays? If the time in minutes is not regular, state at least hours. Please be mindful of the time format (depends on the browser settings). *
9. When do you fall asleep on or before workdays? *
10. When do you wake up on workdays? *
11. After how many minutes do you get up from the bed on workdays?
12. Do you use alarm clock on work days? *
13. If you do use alarm clock, do you regularly wake up before the alarm rings?
Zrušit výběr
14. When do you go to bed on or before free days? *
15. When do you fall asleep on or before free days? *
16. When do you wake up on free days? *
17. After how many minutes do you get up from the bed on free days?
18. Do you have any reason why you cannot freely choose your wake up time on free days (for example small children, dog, regular hobbies) and therefore need to use alarm clock? *
19. How would you rate your sleep quality? *
Very good
Very bad
20. When do you usually start to feel mentally active (for example, when you can best focus on work or study)? *
21. When do you usually stop to feel mentally active (for example, when you can best focus on work or study)? *
22. How long do you usually spend outdoors in daylight (without a roof above your head) during weekdays? *
23. How long do you usually spend outdoors in daylight (without a roof above your head) during free days? *
24. Have you worked as a shift worker in the last 3 months? *
25. If yes, when does your shift starts?
26. And when does your shift ends?
27. Have you travelled by plane across 3 or more time zones in the last 30 days? *
28. Cigarettes (pieces) - What is your weekly consumption?
29. Beer (bottles/glasses) - What is your weekly consumption?
30. Wine (glasses) - What is your weekly consumption?
31. Liquor (glasses) - What is your weekly consumption?
32. Coffee (cups) - What is your weekly consumption?
33. Black or green tea (cups) - What is your weekly consumption?
34. Caffeinated soft-drinks (bottles) - What is your weekly consumption?
35. What is the color of the dress? *
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