Virtual Open Days has started today
Where is the exact time taken, what is the life seen through nano-optics or what does the nanoworld look like? Join our virtual excursion to the first 3 research teams.

Unfortunately, we can't meet our visitors in our laboratories this year, therefore we try to make them available at least virtually.



Welcome to the Laboratory of the National Time and Frequency Standard

The laboratory operates the National standard time and its frequency, i.e. creates an approximation of the physical units of time, seconds, and it implements the national time scale UTC (TP), which is involved in the creation of Co-ordinated Time UTC in collaboration with the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) . The laboratory provides and ensures metrological traceability on the level of national standards and it also provides services (calibration, expert services) on the highest metrological level in the Czech Republic for the needs of industries and other entities, such as calibration laboratories.


Virtual Tour

Visit this lab virtually.

Virtual tour



Welcome to the Nano Optics Research Team

The Nano Optics group focuses on advancing the knowledge of light-matter interactions below the diffraction limit of light as well as development of novel experimental methods that address current topics in biology, biophysics, and biochemistry. Although we employ a wide range of procedures, our investigative toolbox is mainly comprised of single-particle and single-molecule optical techniques. In particular, approaches such as light microscopy, laser spectroscopy, quantum optics, near-field optics, and plasmonics are combined with chemical and bioanalytical methods and biotechnologies to achieve a robust array of exciting projects..

Virtual Tour

Visit this team virtually.

Virtual tour




Welcome to the Synthesis and Characterization of nanomaterials Research Team

The research team focuses on the study of electronic and optical phenomena at surfaces and interfaces of nanomaterials caused by the impact of photons, ions, electrons and adsorption of gases for sensor applications, for the development of sources of light, and for the enhancement of the nano-diagnostic capabilities of analytical methods.


Virtual Tour

Visit this team virtually.

Virtual tour

IPE carries out fundamental and applied research in the scientific fields of photonics, optoelectronics and electronics. In these fields, IPE generates new knowledge and develops new technologies.

Contact us

Data box: m54nucy

IČ: 67985882
DIČ: CZ67985882