The AMPER 2015 Trade Fair, which will take place from March 24 to March 27, 2015, is the largest electrical engineering fair in Central Europe . Its exhibitors come from their respected fields of energy, electriotechnics, electronic components, automation, lighting, but there is also a special section called the OPTONIKA section, which includes companies offering optical and photonic components and devices. A series of specielized sessions is also organized as the OPTONIKA forum, which is organized in cooperation with the Czech and Slovak Society for Photonics and involving a number of leading experts from the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
You can look forward to the following presentations by IPE employees at the OPTONIKA section:
Tue March 15 13:00 - 13:30: Optical fibers - the heart of fiber lasers and amplifiers, by Ivan Kašík, Ph.D.
Wed March 16 12:30 - 13:00: Ultra-weak photon emission from biological systems, by Kateřina Červinková, MSc.
Thu March 17 13:00 - 13:30: Fiber lasers, by Jan Aubrecht, Ph.D.
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