This paper focus on the specific qualitative research method called Critical discourse analysis (henceforth CDA). Because there are still so many confusions and stigmation tendencies regarding CDA in the Czech Republic, the author offers a useful introduction to Discourse analysis generally and consequently to CDA particularly. It is exposed Norman Fairclough` s three-dimensional model, e.g. discourse as a text, discourse as a discursive practise and discourse as a social practise and particular phases of his method – Description, Interpretation and Explanation. Further, it is shown one of possibilities how could some analysis carry out. It is concluded by pointing out that CDA is the important part of wider social constructionist paradigm.

Peer-reviewed journal article
Vašát, Petr
Kritická diskursivní analýza: Sociální konstruktivismus v praxi
Vašát, Petr. 2008. „Kritická diskursivní analýza: Sociální konstruktivismus v praxi.“ AntropoWEBZIN 4 (2-3): 101-112.