Category Archives: Mobility

Invigorated by the Ivy League Experience

What do you get when you mix three brilliant students, The Dalai Lama and an Ivy League school? Inspired! Over a few months in 2014, Liyousew Borga, Vít Hradil and Branka Marković, journeyed to Princeton University to undertake their Doctorate in Economics alongside top scholars. Now back in Prague, these three CERGE-EI prodigies share their endeavors in the American dream.

As part of the Student Mobility program, PhD students are encouraged to conduct part of their dissertation research in a prestigious university overseas, including Princeton University. With this opportunity Liyousew, Vít and Branka were able to access a wealth of knowledge, guidance and connections that enlivened their PhD experience and enhanced their personal and professional development. Continue reading Invigorated by the Ivy League Experience


A recipe for inspiration

DSC_0198Take one ambitious and curious junior researcher. Give him three months in a city that is home to some of the world’s top learning institutions. Offer him the chance to test his ideas with thought leaders in his field. What happened? We asked Vojta Bartos.

Vojta specialises in development and behavioral economics. He is currently investigating how extreme and seasonal shocks impact the enforcement of social norms, focusing on agricultural communities in Afghanistan. He spent the fall semester of 2014 at New York University. Now back in Prague, he shared his recent experience with us.
Continue reading A recipe for inspiration
