Category Archives: Faculty

History and Social Media Through Eyes of Economists

To identify an exact definition of an economist is a real struggle. Who is an economist actually? Is he or she a business consultant or perhaps an analyst? The CERGE-EI director, Sergey Slobodyan, opened the first lecture of the Talking Economics! series on Thursday with such questioning. “When you go buy a cup of coffee, such an event is considered an economic transaction. But is the person selling the coffee an economist?” he added. Continue reading History and Social Media Through Eyes of Economists


Top Trio Helps to Explain Argentina’s Problems

In August, Carlos Zarazaga (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas) and Nobel Laureate Finn Kydland (UC Santa Barbara) came to CERGE-EI to meet with our Faculty member Marek Kapička and finish their paper on Argentina’s “Missing Capital Puzzle”. While being interviewed about their research, Carlos called Marek and Finn the best team of people he had ever worked with. It is not hard to believe what he said, as the three colleagues were finishing each other’s sentences and joking throughout almost the whole interview. Continue reading Top Trio Helps to Explain Argentina’s Problems


Christian Ochsner Awarded for his Study on Populism

CERGE-EI Assistant Professor Christian Ochsner and his colleague Felix Roesel from the ifo Institute in Dresden have been awarded a prize by the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research in Mannheim (ZEW) for their study on populism. The authors of the paper used econometrics to study the electoral outcomes in Austria in connection with the anti-Turkish rhetoric used by populists. Continue reading Christian Ochsner Awarded for his Study on Populism


A Fragmenting Europe in a Changing World

On 26 March 2019, Clemens Fuest of the ifo Institute at the University of Munich came to CERGE-EI for the second year in succession to present the latest EEAG report to a full audience. Prof. Fuest started by defining the fragmenting aspect in the title of this year’s report, explaining that the new Italian government that went against many of the EU rules when defining their budget last year and the ongoing Brexit negotiations have contributed to a destabilization of the EU.

Continue reading A Fragmenting Europe in a Changing World

Mentoring Program for Women Researchers

The final day of the 2019 Mentoring Program for Women Researchers took place on Friday 1st March 2019 at CERGE-EI. What started out as a plan to mentor CERGE-EI’s own women PhD students spread to a more open program to include PhD candidates from other faculties and subjects due to its popularity, as Lucia Stefankova, CERGE-EI’s Deputy Director for Development and PR, stated during the opening of the workshop.

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Those who believe in science must also fight for its values

Professor Gérard Roland (University of California, Berkeley),  Visiting Professor at CERGE-EI, has been recently awarded the highest honor from the Czech Academy of Sciences. One of the most influential and successful European economists, admired among CERGE-EI community for his striking humbleness  and inspiring thoughts, spoke with us about some of his recent works on China, but also about his first meeting with the co-founder of CERGE-EI, Professor Jan Svejnar.   Continue reading Those who believe in science must also fight for its values


Restud Tour 2018: An Interview with Ctirad Slavik

For the first time, CERGE-EI will become a proud host of the renowned Review of Economic Studies Tour (Restud). Seven of the most promising graduating doctoral students in economics and finance in the world were selected to present their research to audiences at three universities across Europe (the first one being Queen Mary University of London and the third one the University of Copenhagen). Read our short interview with Ctirad Slavik, Assistant Professor at CERGE-EI, who is coordinating the event. Continue reading Restud Tour 2018: An Interview with Ctirad Slavik


Perspective and Excitement: A Postcard from Berkeley

It does not happen so often that we have several researchers on a visit, not only in the same country, but more precisely at the same institution. That is why we decided to mark this special occasion with a joint interview. Filip Matejka and Filip Pertold (and Michal Bauer) went to the University of California, Berkeley. While we miss them greatly, we realize that today’s loss is a future gain: we hope they return not just safe and sound, but also satisfied, refreshed, and inspired.

Continue reading Perspective and Excitement: A Postcard from Berkeley
