Elsevier for Editors

Welcome to the Editor hub – your source of tools, information and guidance to support your work as an Elsevier editor.

Advice and information for new editors

Welcome to Editor Hub. Here you will find useful tools and resources to support you in your role as an editor.

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People pictoYour Elsevier team

Benefit from the skills, knowledge and expertise of our staff in various departments and roles.

Tools pictoAdditional resources

Reviewer pictoWorking with reviewers

Explore how to find, support and recognize reviewers.

Author pictoWorking with authors

Discover how we support authors. Working with reviewers

Meeting pictoEditor summits

Find out about our series of editor summits - a chance for you to interact face-to-face with your peers.

News pictoKeep in touch with Editors' Update

See the latest stories and advice and find out about industry developments, policies and initiatives of interest to our journal editors and Editorial Board Members. See the latest stories below and check out the other articles here.

Latest Editors' Update stories

Editorial apprenticeships: working with Early Career Editorial Boards
Introducing Editor Essentials

help & support pictoHelp and contact

In need of assistance? Reach out to your Publisher, Journal Manager or visit our support center