World Bank Panel Discussion on Risk and Development at CERGE-EI, Monday October 21st

The World Development Report 2014, titled Risk and Opportunity: Managing Risk for Development, examines how improving risk management can lead to large gains in development and poverty reduction.

As part of launching the report, the World Bank is taking a “road show” to select locations in Europe and Asia to disseminate the key findings and continue the discussion. This will include a special presentation in Prague hosted by CERGE-EI on October 21st at 4.30 PM.

Managing Risk as a Key to Success

The Report argues that improving risk management is crucial not only to reduce the negative impacts of shocks and hazards, but also to enable people to pursue new opportunities for growth and prosperity. The authors emphasize that risk management is a shared responsibility requiring active participation and planning.

Special Event at CERGE-EI

Core members who prepared the report will present an overview and key messages, as well as lead special talks on selected chapters (including macro, financial, and international community chapters). There will also be a panel discussion with academics, local policy makers and the general public, providing an opportunity for audience interaction and feedback.

Join this World Bank event at CERGE-EI to learn why risk management is a powerful instrument for development and how it can be improved at all levels.

This event is free and does not require RSVP. To attend, please arrive 10 minutes early to CERGE-EI (address: Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1).

See the poster and read the full report.


CERGE-EI International Food Party Tastes Good!

One of the joys of traveling the world is experiencing the variety of unique foods and flavors that are distinct to each country. On Thursday, CERGE-EI students brought all these foods together. The annual International Food Party at CERGE-EI is a chance for students (and faculty) to prepare a sampling of the distinct cuisine of their home country. With a diverse student body from all over Europe, as well as Asia, the Middle East, North America, and Africa, the ‘menu’ was absolutely superb. This year 23 countries were represented!

CERGE-EI’s palace rooms were brimming with students and faculty, all enjoying the food, drinks and sweets: bryndzové halušky (potato gnochi with sheep cheese) from Slovakia, nalusnuku (pancakes with meat and cheese) from Ukraine, khachapuri (cheese filled bread) from Georgia, nakladany hermelin (pickeled cheese) from Czech Republic, krompiraca (potatos and sausage dish) from Serbia, just to name a few. Moldovan wine, Armenian brandy, and Czech beer helped wash it all down.

The event not only provided a great opportunity for students to showcase the cuisine of their country, it also brought the entire CERGE-EI community together for one great party!

Have a look at the photo album on the CERGE-EI Facebook Page highlighting just a few of the offerings from the event. Cheers to everyone who prepared this amazing sampling of food !


VIDEO INTERVIEW: Prof. Allison Stanger Discusses Snowden, Whistleblowers, and Government Contracting

When Edward Snowden blew the whistle on what he deemed as unconstitutional overreach of US government spying, he set off an international controversy with far-reaching implications.

Snowden, a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), embodies the perfect intersection of research areas pursued by Professor Allison Stanger. Professor Stanger, who stayed at CERGE-EI on a research leave for much of 2013, is particularly interested in two areas of research: whistleblowing in America, and the contracting of government services to private companies.

In June, with Snowden’s whistleblowing disclosures creating waves across the world, CERGE-EI sat down with Professor Stanger for an exclusive video interview. In a discussion with PhD Student Liyou G. Borga, she touches topics ranging from Snowden to US-China relations, and shares many interesting insights and perspectives.

This interview is one of the most interesting yet as part of the CERGE-EI interview series. Don’t miss it!

Allison Stanger is the Russell Leng Professor of International Politics and Economics at Middlebury College. A PhD in Political Science from Harvard University, Professor Stanger has published books on international affairs such as One Nation Under Contract: The Outsourcing of American Power and the Future of Foreign Policy and Irreconcilable Differences? Explaining Czechoslovakia’s Dissolution. She is currently working on a new work, ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Leaks: The Story of Whistleblowing in America’. 

Professor Stanger has made media appearances and op-ed contributions in major outlets, including the an interview on The Daily Show with John Stewart. 
