Elsevier for Librarians

Tools and resources to enhance your skills, provide library services and advocate within your institution

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In this time of global uncertainty, we hope that you, your family, and your personal and professional communities stay healthy and connected.

For information on remote access and a listing of freely accessible COVID-19 research and research tools, visit:

COVID-19 resources

As a librarian, you facilitate the research discovery and workflow of your scholars, researchers and practitioners. And you play a critical role in managing research information. At Elsevier, we partner with you in providing trusted content and analytical solutions to empower knowledge.

Professional development

Professional development

Resources to enhance your skills and advance your career


Providing library services

Providing library services

Resources to help you plan, promote and provide services


Institutional advocacy

Institutional advocacy

Resources to develop and share stories about library value


Learning and tools highlights


5 steps to secure cross-campus support for your IR

CCT College Dublin’s Head of Enhancement Marie O’Neill, and Head of Library Services, Justin Smyth, share best practices to gain buy-in and content for their IR.

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Making metrics come alive with data visualizations

5 steps to optimize citation data for university rankings

Liz Bober, Library Assessment Officer at Case Western Reserve University, shares the 5 steps she followed to optimize her university’s citation data using Scopus.

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Buy or Build

RIMS total cost of ownership whitepaper

Explore the total cost of ownership (TCO) and return on investment (ROI) of research information management systems (RIMS) and “Do It Yourself” (DIY) solutions

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Library Connect articles

Reimagining academic library services during a pandemic

How two university libraries are supporting their faculty and students in a new environment.

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A guide to understanding unique student populations

Designing library instruction that takes into account each group’s unique perspective.

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Advancing responsible research assessment: NICHD’s story

How a leading biomedical research funder turned to the world of science for inspiration.

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Open science tools for discovering, promoting and sharing research

In this recorded webinar, Elsevier product managers present collaborative tools that enable OS.

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