Public Opinion on the Reasons to Participate in Politics - February 2016


In February 2016 in the research project Our Society the Public Opinion Research Centre included questions focused on opinion of Czechs about the reasons of people for entering the politics.

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Evaluation of Development in Selected Areas of Public Life in Last Year - December 2015


In December 2015 Public Opinion Resear Centre carried out a survey about the development of situation in selected areas of public life during the year 2015.

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November 1989 in the view of Czech public - October 2015


On the occasion of coming anniversary, Public Opinion Research Centre investigated public opinion regarding the Velvet Revolution and its consequences to different areas of life in the Czech Republic. >> Full text is available in Czech only <<

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Influence on political decision-making - March 2015


In March 2015 the Public Opinion Research Centre's survey investigated Czech public's opinion on the extent to which various institutions and groups influence political decision-making.

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Morality of Politicians Viewed by Public Opinion - March 2015


In the March survey CVVM enquired how strictly according to public should be judged morality of politicians and what criteria should be considered in their deliberations. CVVM also focused on attitudes of Czech citizens to disputes, problems and affairs which appear in our political and public life. In this case, respondents were presented with a list of statements with which they expressed their agreement or disagreement.

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Public Views on the Possibility to Influence the Legislative Process - February 2015


As a part of February survey there were some questions focused on possibilities of citizens to influence changes in laws.

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Public Opinion on the Reasons to Participate in Politics - February 2015


In February 2015 in the research project Our Society the Public Opinion Research Centre included questions focused on opinion of Czechs about the reasons of people for entering the politics.

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Involvement of Czechs in Public Life and Their Interest in Politics - February 2015


In February 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre focused on participation of czech citizens in political organizations. To be specific, survey was mainly oriented on with which organisations citizens participate, how and where do they actively cooperate on public political activities. Furthermore we investigated in which politics are they interested in – generally, in the Czech Republic, European Union or in world.

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Politicians' Interest in Opinion of Ordinary Citizens and Possibilities of Citizens to Influence Public Affairs - February 2015


In February 2015 Public Opinion Research Centre investigated, whether people believe, that politicians are interested in citizens opinions and whether, according to Czech public, people in the Czech republic have opportunities to influence public affairs. In the matter of interest of politicians about public opinions sceptical view prevails.

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The Functioning of Democracy and Human Rights in the Czech Republic - February 2015


Part of the February survey Public Opinion Research Centre were several questions concerning respondents' opinions on the functioning of democracy in the Czech Republic, the general attitudes towards democracy and respect for human rights in our country. Satisfaction with the way democracy works in the Czech Republic expressed majority of respondents (55%).

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