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FZU is the largest institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and our scientists are achieving worldwide success in a wide range of physical sciences - from elementary particles to laser physics. We work with schools, students, industry and the public sphere. Read about our latest research and look up events where you can meet us.

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Biophysics Team Won Cells 2021 Best Video Abstract Award


A research team of the Laboratory of Biophysics won the Cells 2021 Best Video Abstract Awards contest. The winning video abstract of the Biophysics team is a crisp illustration of the research paper, published in journal Cells. The Award Committee highly evaluated the research novelty, video quality and votes of the readers.

Not even COVID-19 managed to interrupt the Young Physicists’ Tournament


In the finals of the Young Physicists’ Tournament, a competition of secondary school students, our country will be represented by the Talnet team. They have won their participation in an even national round which due to the COVID-19 epidemics was held on-line. Also this year, the local rounds were organised with help of the Institute of Physics.

Atomic whirls open potential applications in data processing


Opportunities for ultrahigh speed and density information processing open up with the discovery of nanoscale atomic whirls induced by electric field stimuli. Scientists from the Institute of Physics contributed to a study uncovering how polarization whirls react to THz pulses on the nanometre scale, which was published in the April 15th issue of 

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Pracovník FZU při práci s experimentální aparaturou

About the Institute of Physics

The Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences is a public research institution that contributes basic and applied research in the field of physics to new revolutionary discoveries and innovations, helps in the education of students and makes physics accessible to the public.


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Contact person for the public
+420 26605 2124
+420 606 099 528
Contact person for the media
+420 26605 2124
+420 702 206 680
Contact person for schools
+420 26605 2677