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12 Feb 21 - 1 Feb 25
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Ústav dějin umění Akademie věd ČR, v. v. i.

Bader Scholarship

Dr. Alfred Bader Scholarship for doctoral students researching European art and architecture from the Middle Ages to the 20th century

The Dr. Alfred Bader scholarship is designed for young researches (under 40) of post-graduate programs and theory of art in accredited history and theory of art and architecture programs at universities in the Czech Republic. The scholarship has been provided since 2016 thanks to a grant from the Isabel & Alfred Bader Fund based on the project prepared by the IAH CAS in the Czech Republic in cooperation with the Czech Association of Art Historians.

Progress and final reports of the scholars are published in the Bulletin UHS.

The application deadline is at the beginning of each year (usually January 31). The exact application deadline will be announced on the IAH website. Each year the fund usually provides three scholarships worth 11,000 USD each. The candidates learn the results in the spring and if successful, the research takes place over the course of the following academic year. Prospective applicants should contact Eva Janáčová (janacova@udu.cas.cz) for more information.


In 2021/2022 the scholarship was granted to the following projects::

Projects supported in the previous years:

doc Harmonogram organizování a plnění Harmonogram organizování a plnění programu Baderova stipendia doc Přihláška do výběrového řízení Přihláška do výběrového řízení a všeobecné podmínky