PhDr. Jiří Šafr, Ph.D.

210 310 581

Curriculum vitae


2000–2008 doctoral study of sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University

2005 advanced thesis and examination (PhDr.) Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University

1993–2000 Bachelor's and Master's studies in sociology (specialization in political and economic sociology), Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University

Field of specialisation: 

social inequalities and stratification: social distances, cultural consumption, cultural capital, lifestyle, concepts and measurement of status; social justice; social networks, social capital and cohesion

Teaching activities: 

2004–2020 Faculty of Humanities, Charles University, Department of Historical Sociology and Department of Management and Supervision in Social and Healthcare Organizations (courses: Social Stratification, Analysis of Quantitative Data (I., II. and III.), Design of Quantitative Research, Quantitative Research Methods in Practice, Practice in elementary data analysis, Social Networks and Social Capital - Introduction)

2002–2005 Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Department of Sociology, (courses: Critical Reading from Contemporary Czech Sociology and seminar of the course Social Structure of the Czech Republic I. and II.)

Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad: 

6/2016. kurz Multilevel and Longitudinal Modeling. CEMO, Centre for Educational Measurement, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Oslo, 30.5.– 2.6. 2016.

11/2009. pracovní pobyt na Centre for Research on Socio-Cultural Change University of Manchester (CRESC), Velká Británie, 16.11.– 30.11. 2009.

8/2007. Social Network Analysis, Essex Summer School in Social  Science Data Analysis & Collection, University of Essex, Colchester.

Biographic information: 

Masarykova česká sociologická společnost (sekce Metody)

Ediční rada Sociologického nakladatelství (SLON)

International Network for Social Network Analysis (2013)

International Society for Social Justice Research (2009)

British Sociological Association (2010)

All publications

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