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  • Strains
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  • Phenotypes
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  • For a free text search in all areas click the search button instead of selecting a specific category.

New on

INFRAFRONTIER and Cancer Research

  • How INFRAFRONTIER supports cancer research
  • Browse EMMA strains associated with more than 50 cancer types

COVID-19 Resources and Measures

  • New: TA Call "COVID-19 Therapeutics Pipeline"
  • INFRAFRONTIER resources for COVID-19 research
  • Emergency archiving during COVID-19 crisis


Useful information for EMMA users

  • EMMA repository conditions
  • SOPs and FAQs
  • Major collections archived at EMMA
  • EUCOMM/KOMP-CSD allele conversion service

INFRAFRONTIER core services

  • European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA)
    Archiving and distribution of mouse models
  • First-line phenotyping of mouse mutants


COVID-19 Resources and Measures

  • INFRAFRONTIER resources for COVID-19 research
  • Emergency archiving during COVID-19 crisis

INFRAFRONTIER is the European Research Infrastructure for the generation, phenotyping, archiving and distribution of model mammalian genomes. The INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure provides access to first-class tools and data for biomedical research, and thereby contributes to improving the understanding of gene function in human health and disease using the mouse model.

The core services of INFRAFRONTIER comprise the systemic phenotyping of mouse mutants in the participating mouse clinics, and the archiving and distribution of mouse mutant lines by the European Mouse Mutant Archive (EMMA). In addition, INFRAFRONTIER provides specialised services such as the generation of germ-free mice (axenic service) and training in state of the art cryopreservation and phenotyping technologies.

The INFRAFRONTIER GmbH coordinates as a non-profit organisation the transnational activities of the national partners that together form the European INFRAFRONTIER Research Infrastructure.

European Partnership

Logo of ESFRI Landmark

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INFRAFRONTIER is supported by the partner institutions, national research programmes and by the European Commission.
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