Turčičová, Marie, Mandel, J., Eben, Kryštof. Score matching filters for Gaussian Markov random fields with a linear model of the precision matrix.
ICS CAS, 2021
Keikha, Vahideh. Linear-time Algorithms for Largest Inscribed Quadrilateral.
ICS CAS, 2020
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. Two limited-memory optimization methods with minimum violation of the previous quasi-Newton equations.
ICS CAS, 2020
Rohn, Jiří. The Equation |x| - |Ax| = b.
ICS CAS, 2020
Nývltová, Ludmila, Ramešová, Nina, Šírová, Tereza. Soupis publikovaých prací pana prof. Ing. Mirko Nováka, DrSc. zpracovaný ke dni 13. dubna 2018 knihovnou Ústavu informatiky AV ČR, v. v. i. s ohledem na dostupnost uvedených prací.
ICS AS CR, 2018
Porubský, Štefan. Application and Misapplication of the Czechoslovak STP Cipher During WWII - Report on an Unpublished Manuscript.
ICS CAS, 2017
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. A limited-memory optimization method using the infinitely many times repeated BNS update and conjugate directions.
ICS CAS, 2018
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. Properties of the block BFGS update and its application to the limited-memory block BNS method for unconstrained minimization.
ICS CAS, 2017
Suzuki, Tomoyuki. On Nominal Automata as Models of Java-like Object-Oriented Programs.
ICS CAS, 2016
Rohn, Jiří. Report on the Last Work by Dr. Erich Nuding.
ICS CAS, 2016
Chytil, Michal, Novák, J., Jiřina jr., M., Benešová, M.. Stav předaných dat a úprava rozdělení vybraných měření 2016.
ICS CAS, 2016
Lukšan, Ladislav, Vlček, Jan. New Quasi-Newton Method for Solving Systems of Nonlinear Equations.
ICS CAS, 2016
Vlček, Jan, Lukšan, Ladislav. A Block Version of the BNS Limited-Memory Variable Metric Method for Unconstrained Minimization.
ICS CAS, 2016
Wiedermann, Jiří. Nondeterministic Computations for Which Space is More Powerful than Time.
ICS CAS, 2016
Wiedermann, Jiří. Discerning Two Words by a Minimum Size Automaton.
ICS CAS, 2016
Drabinová, Adéla, Martinková, Patrícia. Detection of Differential Item Functioning with Non-Linear Regression: Non-IRT Approach Accounting for Guessing.
ICS CAS, 2016
Turčičová, Marie, Mandel, Jan, Eben, Kryštof. Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Diagonal Covariance Matrix.
ICS CAS, 2016
Jiřina, Marcel. The Distribution Mapping Functions.
ICS AS CR, 2015
Řezanková, Hana, Húsek, Dušan. Measures for Classification Results Evaluation.
ICS AS CR, 2015
Coufal, David, Hlinka, Jaroslav. Causation Entropy Principle and Bayesian Inference to Causal Networks.
ICS AS CR, 2015
Zhao, S., Russell, M., Hakami, A., Turner, D., Henze, D., Percell, P., Resler, Jaroslav, Shen, H., Russel, A., Nenes, A., Pappin, A., Napelenok, S., Bash, J., Fahey, K., Carmichael, G., Stanier, O., Chai, T.. A Multiphase CMAQ Version 5.0 Adjoint.
EGU, 2019
Šanda, Pavel, Malerba, P., Jiang, X., Krishnan, G. P., Cash, S., Halgren, E., Bazhenov, M.. Interaction of Hippocampal Ripples and Cortical Slow Waves Leads to Coordinated Large-Scale Sleep Rhythm.
bioArxiv.org, 2019
Lorencová, Eliška, Emmer, Adam, Geletič, Jan, Vačkář, David. Analýza zranitelnosti hl.m. Prahy vůči dopadům změny klimatu.
Hlavní město Praha, 2017