Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2020, 21 (1): 90-115 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2020.005

Economic Struggles, Resilience and Agency: Ageing Market Women Redefining ‘Old’ in Kampala, Uganda

Ruth Nsibirano1, Consolata Kabonesa1, Evelyne Lutwama-Rukundo1, Euzobia M. Mugisha Baine2
1 Makere University, Kampala
2 East African School for Higher Education Studies and Development

This article documents evidence from a qualitative study in which 67 in–depth interviews and a focus group discussion were conducted with aging and old market women. The study focused on what ‘old’ means, how aging and old market women redefine the meaning of ‘old’ to gain economic independence. The findings indicate that the meaning is still greatly attached to physical changes; there are differences in how different individuals respond to the changes, some challenge the gender stereotypes and prejudice attached to old age and show resilience. Indicators of resilience among market women included: an active economic lifestyle, asset ownership, the freedom to socialize and ability to make decisions about what it is they value, and ability to earn an income. Indeed, aging women in market trade have reduced dependence. To these women, seniority in age was no longer a challenge, nor a source of distress; rather, a motivator for pushing forward. Based on the findings, the authors recommend extension of social security grants to enable even more old persons to start and maintain economically rewarding ventures.

Klíčová slova: aging, meaning of old, market women, resilience

Zveřejněno: 27. srpen 2020Zobrazit citaci

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Nsibirano, Ruth, Consolata Kabonesa, Evelyne Lutwama-Rukundo, and Euzobia M. Mugisha Baine. 2020. "Economic Struggles, Resilience and Agency: Ageing Market Women Redefining ‘Old’ in Kampala, Uganda." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 21(1):90-115.
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