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7th WTA Colloquium - Maintenance of Concrete Buildings

19 Apr 2021

On behalf of the organizing team, the members of WTA – International (TC5 Concrete) and of the JPI-CH CONSECH20 project, we cordially invite you to the 7th Colloquium WTA – Strategies for the Conservation of Historic Concrete Buildings and Structures, which will take place on June 10th, 2022.


Online seminář Regionem za Výzkumem v Kraji Vysočina - výzkumné pracoviště Centrum Telč

19 Apr 2021

Centrum Telč (ÚTAM AV ČR) a státní agentura CzechInvest Vás srdečně zvou na online seminář dne 6. května 2021 od 10:00, kde Vám představíme naše pracoviště, které má k dispozici mimo jiné i klimatický větrnný tunel nebo laboratoř rentgenové tomografie.



14 Apr 2021

What Heritage Science is. An introduction into heritage science and the structure, the offer and the facilities of IPERION HS.

E-RIHS ( and IPERION HS ( are organizing a series of webinars, a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. It aims at developing a vibrant heritage science community and is intended for anyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research.


Research position and PhD in Classical Archaeology

12 Apr 2021

We are looking for a talented and motivated early-stage researcher.
Research project: Characterisation of binders used for premodern plasters in the ever-changing urban environments (ESR15)


100 let od narození prof. Němce

15 Mar 2021

On 15th of March 100 years ago, professor Jaroslav Němec, an important expert on solid material physics, fracture mechanics, material fatigue and ageing of structures, was born. During his succesful career, he was also the director of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the (then) Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1978-1987). In 2004, he received a prestigious National Award in Sciences and Technics for outstanding contribution to science and its application for industry. Professor Němec was not only a scientist in his own right but also a thinker and a phylosopher of a renaissance type. He was a university professor and founded a new study programme - material engineering. He was also a painter - his pictures create a permanent exhibition in Chateau Horažďovice, Municipal House in Kašperské Hory and in sanatoriums in Karlovy lázně and Chateau Příchovice.


Application SAHC

15 Mar 2021

Application for the Advanced Masters Instructural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Construcions


Mapování funkce jícnu

15 Mar 2021

13. března 2021 agentura ČTK informovala o probíhajícím společném výzkumu našeho ústavu (ÚTAM) s jedním z pracovišť nejstarší univerzity na americkém kontinentě mexické Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) na mapování funkce umělého jícnu pomocí unikátního v Telči sestrojeného zařízení TORATOM. Na vývoji se podílí Laboratoř rentgenové tomografie pod vedením doc. Ing. Michala Vopálenského, Ph.D.


Project PlaCe started

9 Mar 2021

A four-year collaborative project between eight European universities and research institutes began, pushing the boundaries of interdisciplinary education and research in materials science and archaeology. The project with a total grant of four million Euros is fully funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action under the EU Research and Innovation funding programme Horizon2020. The project runs from 2021 to 2025.




STRENCH: Local Working Table 1

19 Feb 2021

All interested parties are invited to participate on the first Local Working Table meeting of the STRENCH project (Interreg Central Europe), which will be held on Friday, 26th February 2021 at 15:00 via the Zoom app here: The aim of the meeting is to inform about the newest deveopment in the project, its outputs so far and to provoke a discussion with the stakeholders in the field of protection of natural heritage against natural hazards. The focus will be on the Troja hamlet as one of the project pilot sites.


Newsletter Interreg Living Danube Limes No 1

17 Feb 2021

Newsletter No. 1 of the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme project Living Danube Limes has been published.
