Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 2020, 21 (2): 32-58 | DOI: 10.13060/gav.2020.013

Perceptions of Technological Change at Work through a Gender Lens

Katrin Golsch1, Marco Seegers2
1 Institute of Social Sciences, Osnabrück University
2 Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Division Qualifications, Occupational Integration and Employment, in Bonn

In Germany, like in many other countries, much of the research on technological changes and their consequences has been devoted to investigating the field of industrial production. A shortcoming of this research is that many female-dominated occupations are excluded per se from consideration. However, whether and to what extent men's and women's perceptions of technological changes in their workplace differ is an important subject of debate. This article addresses the following questions: To what extent are men and women experiencing changes in the technologies of their workplace? Are women less likely to experience such changes? Do men and women anticipate to differing degrees a threat to their future job security and the skills demanded of them? And do they expect technological changes in their workplace to impact their health or work performance demands? The analysis, based on data from the Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP, 2015-2017), compares men and women across gender-typical and gender-atypical occupations and identifies conditions that increase or decrease perceived risks of technological change at work. The results indicate that technological change is perceived as most threatening in female-dominated occupations, and especially by women.

Klíčová slova: technological change, risk perception, gender

Přijato: 9. listopad 2020; Zveřejněno online: 13. leden 2021; Zveřejněno: 12. leden 2021Zobrazit citaci

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Golsch, Katrin and Marco Seegers. 2020. "Perceptions of Technological Change at Work through a Gender Lens." Gender a výzkum / Gender and Research 21(2):32-58.
Stáhnout citaci


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  72. BY-NC Katrin Golsch, Marco Seegers, 2020.BY-NC Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, 2020.
  73. Katrin Golsch is Professor of Quantitative Methods and Social Structure at the Institute of Social Sciences, Osnabrück University. Contact email: Seegers is a sociologist and a member of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Division Qualifications, Occupational Integration and Employment, in Bonn. Contact email:

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