Journal Our Society Archive
* Media Coverage on Ostrava Region Environmental Issues
The publication dissects media perception of environmental issues within Ostrava region. Media are those who pick the stories edit them and throughout their agenda make shifts in ideas of individuals. In 2010 we have experienced skyrocketing of the media coverage of environmental issues related to Ostrava region, mostly attributed by reporting on air pollution. As available researches witnessed, there is a tight relation in public minds in between City of Ostrava, Ostrava region and Moravian-Silesian Region. This fact makes the research easier in the way we could often take in Moravian-Silesian Region figures as to be valid for the City of Ostrava as well as for Ostrava region and vice versa. The objective of the paper is to prove a hypothesis, that media have retained the coverage intensity of a given topic as they did in 2010.
* Decrees, Transfer of Sudeten Germans in Historical Memory of Czechs
Decrees of the President of the Republic, more commonly known as the Beneš decrees, were a series of laws that were drafted by the Czechslovak Government-in-Exile in the absence of the Czechoslovak parliament during the German occupation of Czechoslovakia in World War II and issued by President Edvard Beneš. This article deals with this for the Czech history important topic und it analyses, how these decrees perceives Czech society. The theoretical background captures the concept of the historical memory (M. Halbwachs). Important finding is, that it‘s slightly increasing the number of people who promote their boundless force.
* Internet Voting and SMS Voting in Estonia Works
The article deals with developments of the Internet elections project in Estonia. The expansion of internet voting in Estonia is closely associated with communication and information technology development in this country. The purpose of the article is to provide policy analysis, analysis of security principles and legal analysis with a survey of the development of internet voting in Estonia. The accent is put on comfortable and trustworthy voting procedure at the same time. This study also aims to assess the impact of internet voting on voter turnout.
* Party System in the Restructuring? Elections 2010 in Context of Czech Public's Perception of Politics and Political Parties.
Parliamentary elections in May 2010 ended with unexpected and somewhat revolutionary results: they brought heavy losses to all traditional established parties within the Czech party system, which appeared to be relatively stable since the second half of 1990s, two lesser parliamentary parties were eliminated from the Chamber of Deputies, and two new political parties emerged among successful subjects surpassing quite easily the existing electoral clause of five percent. The text analyzes these results, as well as some attitudes of Czech public identified by exit poll and other sociological surveys and post-election development, and it tries to answer the question, whether the elections in 2010 meant any deep and lasting shift in long-term development of the party system in the Czech Republic or whether it was rather an incidental anomaly without persistent impact on the party system, which will gradually restore itself more or less in the shape that characterized it for one and half of decade before the elections in 2010.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
* Time Perspectives in the Czech Society
This research aims at quantitative analysis of time perspectives in the Czech society. For this purpose, Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory was used. The battery consists of 56 items comprising five time dimensions (orientations): Past Positive, Past Negative, Hedonistic Presence, Fatalistic Presence and Future. The data was gathered from a representative sample of the Czech population in the years 2003 and 2008. The factor analysis showed evidence for a multifactor structure which, in principal, does not differ from the original American version of ZTPI nor its adaptations in other countries. On the basis of item analysis, we adjusted the model to suit the Czech data as much as possible. In the Czech sample, orientations on the positive past and on the future were comparatively the strongest ones. Relations of time orientation with age, gender, level of education and religious faith were observed.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
* Historical Consciousness and Polical Identity of Communist Party Voters
This paper deals with results of a special survey focused on the problem (issue) of historical consciousness of Communist Party voters. The opening part of the article presents a theoretical and methodological framework: there is introduced an operationalization of concepts such as collective memory, historical consciousness, collective identity, and also outlined the position of the Communist Party in the Czech post-communist political system. The empirical part of the text is devoted to the problems of Czech modern history, particularly to the way in which Communist Party electorate in different contexts assesses various historical periods or phenomena prior to 1989 and also how a subsequent systemic change is reflected.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
* Political Parties and Their Media Agenda Prior to Chamber of Deputies Elections 2006 and 2010
Media Tenor tracked media coverage of political parties in periods of three months prior to elections to the Chamber of Deputies in 2006 and 2010. Czech Social Democratic Party enjoyed overwhelming media prevalence in a first analyzed period, Civic Democratic Party prevailed in 2010. Neither of instances resulted in a highest voting outcome for the most covered party. The research confirmed private news services to be keeping conservative approaches while (not) presenting new and not well-known political groups. They covered TOP 09 Party and Public Affairs Party (Věci veřejné) rather marginally in 2010. Researchers focused also on a coverage of chairmen of main parties and air-time enjoyed by politicians to quote own party or co-party members.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
* Editorial
The electronic version of the second number of the ninth edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
* Dying out while digging our own grave
The fact that recent demographic data have been pointing to gradual but consistent dying out of Europe has become the key point of strong filosophic, political and other clashes in the last years. Most discussions focus especially on the issues related to the causes of this situation, thus rather omitting the real consequences on everyday lives of Europeans in the upcoming decades. Namely the economic and sociological impacts.
The structure of population change in terms of nationality is the second important process in today’s Europe: The majority population comprising original nationalities on whose basis the state composition of Europe had been formed is gradually losing its dominance. Conversely, immigrants (particularly Muslims) and their children are gaining more and more influence on the structure of society.
Various kinds of economic pressure are related to these processes, which in the future will inevitably grow into the shape of events completely changing the society and its economic systém. I assume that in order to maintain its economic power, traditional European population will go through a process, during which some usual democratic principles and traditions will be put aside, for example the attitude towards the right to vote will change.
That is because despite many complications, traditional European society will behave quite economically by keeping its political power as a guarantee of its economic power, and particularly as a guarantee that the standards of living and thus the possibility of satisfying one’s needs – manifesting itself through life style, among other things – will be preserved.
>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<
* Reflections of Modern Czech History, the Velvet Revolution and the Current Development in Public Opinion
This article describes the attitudes of the Czech public towards the Velvet Revolution, and towards the social situation preceding and following it. The text deals with the general image of Velvet Revolution in the context of modern Czech history, tracks public opinion on this event, deals with evaluations of the period before and after November 1989, and handles assessments of the whole previous period. The event of the Velvet Revolution in Czech history is seen predominantly as a highlight, and as a positive phase in Czech history. Similarly, the stage that followed is seen in a predominantly positive light, although not so much as the change of political regime itself. However, there is a significant difference between how Czech public opinion judged the first and second decades after the Velvet Revolution. According to the public, not all areas of society have showed improvement during the latter period; in some cases developments are viewed negatively.
>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<
* Shaping Concepts of Social Structure in Contemporary Czech Society in Group Interviews with
Based on data from three group interviews conducted with groups of “workers” and “professionals”, this article focuses on ways that interviews participants choose in their attempts to cope with sociologists’ demands to describe social structure of the contemporary Czech society. The key category adopted from the interviewers’ questions around which the arguments of participants were centered is the category of “success“. The author analyses measures of success mentioned by participants, its presuppositions, who is regarded as successful by them and which criteria of success they adopt. Also analyzed is the self-positioning of the interview participants and the social group they identify with in the notions of social structure presented by them in the course of the interviews.
>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<
* Investments in Human Capital as Condition of Success Investments in Social Capital
The article deals with relationships between human capital and social capital. Often is mentioned that presence of social capital is key condition of success investment in human capital. The article presents opposite view – investments
in human capital are necessary condition investments in social capital (at least in individual social capital). The three main form of social capital (bonding, bridging and linking social capital) are described at it is shown when generating each form can generate individuals profit and utility – in each case individuals must also invest in their human capital. Investments in human capital can also respond to the situation when investments in social capital become obsolete or devalue.
>> Fulltext is available in Czech only <<
* Editorial
The electronic version of the first number of the ninth edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
>> Full text is available in Czech only <<
* Editorial
The electronic version of the first number of the eighth edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
* Editorial
The electronic version of the second number of the eighth edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
* Editorial
The electronic version of the second number of the seventh edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
* Editorial
The electronic version of the first number of the seventh edition of the review Czech Society (Naše společnost). Czech Society issues Center for Public Opinion Research, Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
* Editorial
New issue of bulletin Our Society, which has set task to inform society about results of public opinion surveys, has released in December 2005. It brings 8 articles in sections : Topical Issues, In the Context and Theory for Everybody. The bulletin is a follow up to periodical Czech Public Opinion in a European Context and it is a part of the homonymous project. The project is a part of the Programme of Support for Target Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
* Editorial
New issue of journal Czech Society, which has set task to inform society about results of public opinion surveys, has released in autumn 2005. It brings 7 articles in sections : Topical Issues, Theory for Everybody and In the Context. The bulletin is a follow up to periodical Czech Public Opinion in a European Context and it is a part of the homonymous project supported by Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic.