The HiLASE and ELI Beamlines laser centres of the Institute of Physics operate a new educational website focused on lasers and light in general. At you can find materials and videos about light, lasers and their application. Additionally, we plan to include links to interesting events from this field and any methodology materials about light and lasers for schools.

“An obvious advantage of the website is that you can choose the content precisely according to the level of your knowledge – whether you are a pupil, a student of secondary school, nuclear physics or a similar field. You just need to select the right level of complexity on a scale from one to three“, says Tereza Hrejsemnou, a co-coordinator of the project in HiLASE. The medium category of the website is also suitable for a common visitor who would like to broaden their horizons and to find out the latest from the field of laser physics. You will also hear from scientists from other research centres in the country, giving more details about their work and its results to the public.
“Lasers are increasingly penetrating our daily lives, yet people don't know much about them. We lacked a platform where visitors could get comprehensive information about the world of lasers. should fill in the gap“, explains Hana Strnadová, the co-creator of the project, from the PR Department at ELI Beamlines.

The project to create an educational internet portal was launched as part of the AV21 Strategy of the Light Serving the Society Programme. This programme aims to support the discipline-wide use of intensive radiation resources as effective tools for researching, developing and applying new technologies and developing cooperative applied research. Further development of the portal has been supported by the “Improving the Quality of the Strategic Management of the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences” project from the Operational Programme for Research, Development and Education.