Popularity of Party Representatives - June 2021


In June 2021 the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology the Czech Academy of Sciences investigated whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were given a list with 20 names of top politicians who represent political parties present in the Chamber of Deputies.

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Confidence in constitutional institutions and satisfaction with political situation in June 2021


In June 2021 within the regular survey the Public Opinion Research Centre questioned respondents about their confidence in constitutional institutions. In this month there was a question about their trust to the Chambers of Parliament, the President, the Government, and Local and Regional Councils.

29% of Czechs trust the president, 28% trust the government.

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Evaluation of State Response to COVID-19 Epidemic - Our Society - Special - April 2021


Only a relative majority of Czech citizens, at a level of just over two-fifths, evaluate what the Czech state has done against the spread of coronavirus as appropriate, and a little more than a third consider measures to support the economy to be appropriate.

Compared to February 2021, the assessment of the state's response to the pandemic has imroved significantly, when assessing the effectiveness of measures against the spread of coronavirus, but this assessment still remains much worse than it was back in December 2020.

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Evaluation of reaction of state and its institutions to COVID-19 epidemic and compliance with measures against the spread of coronavirus - Our society - special - April 2021


In connection with the spread of coronavirus, the Czech public evaluates the most positively the work of medics, the Fire Rescue Service, the army and the police, while it is the most critical is to the work of the Government of the Czech Republic. The vast majority of the Czech public believes that compliance with existing measures against the spread of coronavirus should be monitored (70%), while only a quarter (25%) have the opposite opinion.

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Evaluation of State Response to COVID-19 Epidemic - Our Society - Special - February 2021


Only a relative majority of Czech citizens, at a level of just over two-fifths, evaluate what the Czech state has done against the spread of coronavirus as appropriate, and a little more than a third consider measures to support the economy to be appropriate.

Compared to December 2020, the assessment of the state's response to the pandemic has deteriorated significantly, especially when assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of measures against the spread of coronavirus.

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Evaluation of reaction of state and its institutions to COVID-19 epidemic - Our society - special - December 2020


The majority of six tenths of Czech citizens consider what the Czech state has done against the spread of coronavirus to be appropriate, and two fifths consider measures to support the economy to be appropriate.

The work of most institutions and groups in relation to the spread of coronavirus is assessed favorably, with criticism prevailing in relation to the government, media, the EU and the WHO.

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Evaluation of reaction of state and its preparedness to COVID-19 epidemic and level of concerns connected to COVID-19 - Our society - special - November 2020


The majority of Czech citizens (61%) stated that the Czech Republic was not prepared for tracing, less than half (47%) stated unpreparedness in distance education. For other items, the predominantly significantly positive evaluation prevailed.

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Popularity of Party Representatives - September 2020


In September 2020 the Public Opinion Research Centre of the Institute of Sociology the Czech Academy of Sciences investigated whether respondents trust to selected politicians. They were given a list with 20 names of top politicians who represent political parties present in the Chamber of Deputies.

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Evaluation of reaction of state and its preparedness to COVID-19 epidemic - Our society - September 2020


60% of Czech citizens consider what the Czech state is doing against the spread of coronavirus to be appropriate, and 47% consider measures to support the economy to be appropriate.

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Confidence in some institutions - July 2020


In July 2020 within the regular survey, the Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) questioned respondents about their confidence in some institutions including the Ombudsman, the Constitutional Court, and the Supreme Audit Office.

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