Jiří Brynda
Latest publications
Synthesis and In Vitro Evaluation of C-7 and C-8 Luteolin Derivatives as Influenza Endonuclease Inhibitors
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 (14): 7735 (2021)
Re-emerging Aspartic Protease Targets: Examining Cryptococcus neoformans Major Aspartyl Peptidase 1 as a Target for Antifungal Drug Discovery
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 64 (10): 6706–6719 (2021)
Druggable Hot Spots in the Schistosomiasis Cathepsin B1 Target Identified by Functional and Binding Mode Analysis of Potent Vinyl Sulfone Inhibitors
ACS Infectious Diseases 7 (5): 1077–1088 (2021)
Inhibitors of CA IX Enzyme Based on Polyhedral Boron Compounds
ChemBioChem 2021: Early View