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A Companion to Jan Hus

František Šmahel, Ota Pavlíček (eds.)
New reference book on John Hus published at the occasion of the 600th centenary of his death. It includes eleven substantial essays covering the central aspects of the life, thought and commemoration of the Czech theologian, reformer and martyr.
Leiden-Boston: Brill 2015, pp. 447

American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly

Petr Dvořák, Jacob Schmutz (eds.)

A special issue of ACPQ devoted to Baroque scholasticism.

Volume 93, Spring 2019, Issue no. 2.


Anselm z Canterbury, De Grammatico

Marek Otisk, Richard Psík

First Czech translation and in-depth study of the eleventh-century logical treatise „De grammatico“ by the “father of scholasticism” Anselm of Canterbury.

Prague: Vivarium 2019, pp. 270.


Body and Cosmos in Galen's Account of the Soul

Matyáš Havrda

The paper proposes a new solution to a much-debated issue in Galenic scholarship, namely, Galen's seemingly conflicting views about the nature of the soul.

Phronesis: A journal for Ancient Philosophy 62 (2017): 69-89.


Die Falsche geheiratet? Gratians Lehre vom Irrtum über den Heiratspartner und ihre Rezeption in Sentenzenkommentaren des 13. und frühen 14. Jahrhunderts

Pavel Blažek
The Decretum Gratiani (C. 29) is the first to formulate the legal doctrine of error about the marriage partner and its effects on the validity of a marriage. Exploring in parts still unedited and hitherto unstudied source material, Pavel Blažek provides the first comprehensive analysis of the reception of this doctrine in medieval theology.
Berlin–Boston: De Gruyter 2018, pp. 477–506

Heraclitus, 22 B 14, D.-K.

Tomáš Vítek

The article offers an entirely new reading of Heraclitus' fragment B 14, based on extensive coparative material, including a demonstration of the intentional plurality of meanings.

Elenchos 36, 2 (2015): 195-233.


Jan Dullaert of Ghent on the Foundations of Propositional Logic

Miroslav Hanke
The paper analyses Jan Dullaert’s (1480–1513) commentary on Aristotle’s Peri Hermeneias and documents its dependence on Paul of Venice’s Logica magna.
Vivarium 55,4 (2017): 273–306

Jeroným Pražský: středověký intelektuál, mučedník české reformace a hrdina národní tradice [Jerome of Prague: Medieval Intellectual, Martyr of Bohemian Reformation and Hero of National Tradition]

Ota Pavlíček (ed.)
The volume deals with different aspects of the life, work, and veneration of the Czech scholar and intellectual Jerome of Prague who was burned at the stake at the Council of Constance in 1416. It includes chapters on Jerome's thought, travelling, iconography, commemoration, and reception also in the 19th and 20th century.
Prague: Filosofia, 217 pp.

Kauzalita činitele

Petr Dvořák

The monograph defends agent causation in the analytic free will debate inspired by the works of T. Pink and T. O'Connor.

Praha: Togga 2020, pp. 200.


Le paradoxe stoïcien: liberté de l'action déterminée

Vladimír Mikeš

The study presents a new perspective on the notorious problems of Stoic concepts of responsibility, freedom and causal determinism and their mutual compatibility. It challenges certain views which were taken for granted in recent scholarship. As such it offers also a possible new look on the compatibilist theory in general.

Paris: Vrin, 2016.